Chap 1

893 26 6

Italics = Thoughts


I wake up in an unknown room in a particularly comfy bed, I look around and instantly remember yesterday's drama. I sigh, and swing my feet over the edge of the bed, throwing the comforter I was using off of me onto the carpet. I step onto the floor and feel the soft carpeting in between my feet.
I walk over to the window and breathe in the crisp morning air of my home. A breeze picks up and gusts through the open window, making my H/l, H/c (hair length, hair color) blow out of my tired face.
I smile, then turn around and walk towards the door. I place my hand on the doorknob lightly, then pull away.
What if when I open this door my parents-my old family is there, telling me to go back with them. I take a breath, If they are out there all you need to say is "No..." I say it out loud to myself. It'll be okay... I hope.
I look down at my outfit and see that it's not the worst, I could do better though, (picture above, hope it shows up, if not make up your own outfit, lol)Well, Y/n now that you think about you don't look too bad based on what you've been through in past two days- Wait, I've been asleep for a day!! It was noon when everything with mom and dad happened and now it's probably around 8 am. Crap, I guess this is my small temporary home.
I place my hand on the doorknob and take a deep breath, then open it. Ahead of me is another set of doors and a set of stairs. I go down the stairs, making sure my footsteps are quiet. Suddenly a wave a smells hit me and I melt. It smells like... BACON!! I take my last step onto the floor of, I'm assuming, the first story of this house.
I see Adam, a baby, and a woman with blue hair eating at a table near a kitchen, the baby obviously in a high-chair.
"H-hi..." I say quietly, Adam and the woman's eyes dart towards me. Adam instantly gets up and walks towards me, embracing me in a hug.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, concern lacing his voice.
"Yeah, it's just... I'll tell you later," I respond quietly, still hugging Adam.
"Okay," he says quietly back to me. I hug him tightly for a second and he does the same, then we part and Adam says "This is Alesa," he points to the blue-haired woman and she waves to me, "Hi!" she says cheerily. I wave back to her, smiling. "And this is is little baby Mason." Adam says, rubbing the babies head playfully.
"I didn't know you had a family." I say.
Adam smiles, "Thought I'd be a single-pringle for ever?" We all laugh, even Alesa laughs.
Adam looks at his phone, "Crap, I have to go to work. Wanna come with, Y/n? Don't you have a YouTube channel, too?"
I nod. "Yup, I just hit 13 million subscribers!" I say, instantly getting more excited.
"Wow! That's more than me!" Adam says, obviously impressed. "Come on let's go, Y/n. Bye Alesa!" He says.
"Bye guys" Alesa yells as we walk out the front door. I close it behind me and follow Adam to his car.

Timeskip brought to you by eating chocolate cake at 11:04 pm

The car ride was silent, Adam kept trying to get me to tell him what happened yesterday, but all I said was that when we got to his work I would tell everyone, just so that everyone knew, plus it would help to get it off my chest.
And now we're at his work and I'm anxious like I never have been before. We go into the Offices and up a flight of stairs. Adam gathers everyone into a room and introduces me to everyone. Apparently, a guy named Ross and a guy named Max visited here at the exact moment I'm telling everyone what happened. Welp, here goes nothing...

Haha! Cliffhanger!! You all hate me!!! Sorry...

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