Chapter 17: Anastasia's Secret

Start from the beginning

"Why are there silver knifes and bullets in here?" I asked turning to the old man and he was looking through an old chest on the floor.

"Umm, this room is things that werewolves can't really stand, like we can't be shot with a silver bullet or we will die in a few minutes." The old man said and then he pulled out something. "Like this" He said pulling out a jar that was fulled with little light brown leaves. "Jason come here." He said and Jason raised an eyebrow and then went over to him. The old man then opened the jar and quickly gave it to him and backed away. "Now go over to Jake." He said pointing over to him and I looked over at Jake and he had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Um, what is this?" Jason asked and he went over to Jake, looking back at the old man who was waving him to go closer, I looked over at Jake, he looked uncomfortable then he snapped,

"Get that the hell away from me!" Jake shouted and he backed away quickly his back hitting the door.

"What is this stuff anyways?" Jason questioned and Jake started to breath heavily.

"I can't......breath." Jake said slumping down to the floor and Jason backed up. The old man grabbed the jar and placed the lid on it.

"Their herbs, that make Alphas and soon-to-be Alphas get all weak by making their vision blurry and their throats swell up slightly. You guys are uninfected because you don't have Alpha blood." He told us and I nodded my head. He then placed the jar back in the chest and pulled out a small bottle with, a silver liquid in it? "This is fine silver, it's almost like a powder, put in water and mixed up. If a werewolf drinks this, or someone puts even a drop in a their drink, they would get horribly sick and might die." He said and Jason looked at the bottle weirdly.

"Ok, enough of the teaching dad, where's that love powder." Jake mumbled and he came over to where me and Jason were and then quickly placed his hand on my shoulder, stumbling a bit. "Man, that stuff is strong, smells like cinnamon, pepper, and vanilla put together." He then added blinking a few times.

"Just take a few deep breath and you'll be fine." The old man said and Jake rolled his eyes. The old man went back to looking threw the stuff and then he pulled out a smaller chest about the size of a shoe box. "Now in here is the love powder, Anastasia might be wearing right now." He said and then he looked up at us. "Jason, you stand over here by me, because if any does get on Nicole, I'm not having you going crazy over her and I'm sure Drake will try to kill you. And Nicole you take a step back." He informed and Jason nodded his head and went over to where the old man was standing and I took a step back making Jake stumble a bit, I guess he's still trying to get over that stuff still.

"Is that the stuff?" Jason then asked and then the old man pulled out a glass case full of a light pink powder.

"Yes, it is." The old man said and he took a long look at it.

"That thing was full to the top last time, now it's half empty." Jake said pointed to the case, kinda, his pointing was a little off.

"I see that, but way did they take that much. Plus how did they get in here, and know where it was." The old man said and then he looked over at Jason. Jason was staring the the glass case and the old man grinned a bit. "What does it smell like?"

"Strawberries and cotton candy." Jason then answered, "Smell's pretty good." He smiled and the old man chuckled.

"It's not even opened and he smells it." The old man said and Jake chuckled a bit. I froze for a second listening, I hear footsteps. The old man then looked up and Jake turned his head to the door. A few seconds later it opened up and Derek appeared looking at us. Then he sniffed the air.

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