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It's just still sorta sucky because... I wish this chapter in my life could have a cooler ending. I mean, I found out that I have these amazing powers, but I'm still not sure how to do a damn thing with them. I wish that instead of arriving to a battle that had already been lost and getting captured and majorly fucked-up, it could have been different. I wish I could've saved the day, defeated the bad guys and rode off into the sunset with my boyfriend without a care in the world. Instead of real life. But I've learned that that's not always achievable. Real life is medication and therapists and not knowing what to do with your life. It's admitting that having magical powers isn't always that great. It's baby steps and progress and yes, fuck-ups and setbacks. You're life isn't always exciting to look at when it's written down on a page because sometimes getting out of bed is the greatest victory. You're not always going to feel on top of the world, but you're not always going to feel worthless, either. And there's nothing you can do about it but keep hanging on, kicking ass, and pushing forwards into the future.

So what did you guys think? Do you like that I went towards a more realistic ending rather than a splashy, fun breakout? Are you mad that I didn't give you much insight into Kail and Sparkly's relationship? Let me know. 

Also let me know what you would most like to see next. A vampire story, some fluffy romance, a sequel to one of my old things??? It's really up to you. And by you I mean @perfectl because you're the only one currently reading this. 

So yeah! Side note: Do you know how hard it was not to kill everyone in the last chapter?? Your epilogue was almost a morgue review of the bodies they had found. How lucky do you feel? Indeed, I am kind and generous. Stay cool! 

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