Chapter 10: Regi is kinda ok?

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I was suddenly looking down at my own body, but I wasn't floating. I was standing nearby it. My eyes opened, and suddenly...

Snap! I was laying on the ground, staring up into... Vivid green eyes?! What the fuck was Regi doing?! I shot up into a sitting position, and he jumped back.

"Yeah, he's alive," Regi declared. Sighs of relief echoed all around the room.

Kail kissed me. Hard. On the lips. "God, I thought I lost you," he breathed.

"Ewwww," everyone dutifully whined in the background.

I looked Kail in the eyes. "Why didn't you tell me anything? Why did you make me believe that I didn't know you, that I didn't know Holli and Pipe? Why did you wipe out every experience that made me who I am?!"

"It was for your own good. You would have died if you remembered!"

"Well I remembered just now and I didn't die!"

"That's only because Regi was here to help! If we didn't have a healer hanging around, we would have both been dead!"

"What?" I broke my gaze into Kail's eyes and looked at Regi, questioningly. He was an asshole, last time I checked. How had the rest of the group gotten him to change his tune?

"They said they'd fly really high and drop me if I didn't help," Regi shrugged. Gael and Ebony shot him through with dagger-like glares. "I mean- I did it out of the kindness of my heart," He amended sarcastically. Ah. That made more sense.

"See?" Kail asked. "I was trying to save you."

"Thank you," I latched onto him, hugging him like it was the last thing I'd ever do.

"Uh, guys?" Holli shot up from where she'd been laying on the couch, her pink pigtails messy from sleeping. "Just checked the sleep network. They're zeroing in on our location thanks to the Regi and dragon stunt."

"Shit," Pipe muttered.

"We could use the back door?" Gael suggested.

"They've surrounded the place, there's no way out!" As Holli spoke, everyone grabbed their guns and settled into defensive positions.




The world was dead silent. We could practically feel the soldiers outside getting ready to attack with whatever fun new weapon they had invented.

"Regi, you have to do something," Gael spoke without turning her eyes away from the front door.

"Like what?" Regi asked.

"Like pop into the leader's body and tell the soldiers to call it off," Ebony caught onto Gael's idea.

"Then you'd have to restrain the leader, in this body," Regi pointed out.

"Yeah, that's a lot easier than twenty tons of robot," Pipe added.

"Why should I?" Regi snarked. "What's in it for me?"

"Because if you don't do anything, we all die. You included," Raine jumped in.

"But I could just beam out of here to a random body, never looking back or caring. My old body's toast and this one's crap, it's not like I have anything to stay here for," Regi looked like he had an idea dawning inside of him, and I didn't like the look of it.

"Look, Regi," I began, "You may be a massive dickwad who's preparing to stab us in the back the first opportunity you get, but you saved my life. And if I ever have the chance to, I'd save yours in an instant. That's what trust is about. For the first time in your life you have free will, and the decision is yours. You can leave us -probably the first people who've trusted you in a long while- to fend for ourselves, knowing that we'll probably die, while you pop off to who-knows-where, with no purpose and a pointless, empty existence." I realized that Regi was no longer listening. His eyes had gone blank, his face slack. Fuck. He'd left us after all, and my inspirational speech had gone to waste.

Suddenly his eyes went alert again, and I felt a small blossom of hope as I realized it was taking an awfully long time for those soldiers to burst in and kill us.

"WHY- WHA-? WHO... FREAKIES!!!" Whoever was now in Regi's body (well, technically it was Carl's, but let's not think about him) grabbed at his hip, trying to reach for a weapon that wasn't there. Pipe tackled him, holding his arms behind him while Kail grabbed some duct tape to close up his mouth. I heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Nice job there. That was a really good speech," Kail grinned and tapped my ass.

"Thank you," I beamed.

"Uh, Spark?" Gael spoke hesitantly.

"My name's Sumner," I realized suddenly. I hadn't even thought that Spark wasn't my real name, until Gael said it out loud.

"Oh, sure. You're hands are glowing," She pointed out.

Kail grabbed my hands, and we watched the world around us melt away.

"Sumner, are you there? We're trying to contact you, hopefully this works. We couldn't reach Holli on the sleep network, so we're trying this," A serious looking boy with narrow eyes and chin-length rainbow hair looked directly at me. And when I say rainbow, I mean rainbow. Every color was reflected there, flowing smoothly into one another, not fighting against each other but working together in harmony. A girl with incredibly long, silver hair and glowing hands had her eyes shut tight, scrunching up her face like she was focusing incredibly hard.

"I'll make this quick, Valencia can't hold this for very long. I'm Waylen, the leader of the gifted side of the war. I'm all the gifteds to our location, every single one. We're going to make a final push to end this war once and for all. If this message succeeds, you'll know exactly where we are, since it'll be planted in your brain. See you soon, hopefully."

Kail and I looked at each other in shock.

"So what was the vision?" Raine asked.

"Guys... We've got a trip to make," I replied.   

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