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   It was quite and peaceful, comforting and relaxing....
Your alarm. You moan and groan and mumble turning around to face your alarm clock on the nightstand beside your bed and lazily flopped your hand onto it to mute the horrible noise you despised every morning.
    But today's different, you weren't about to get up for school. The last day of summer vacation was yesterday, but you didn't have to go to school. You had graduated last school year a happy senior, you didn't think you would make it but you did.
    Right when you graduated you didn't hesitate to move out, you packed your bags and gathered your savings and moved out a week after graduation.
     Don't get me wrong, you were very close to your parents and didn't have any issues with your siblings (even though they can be a little annoying.) But you felt as if you were old enough to make your own decisions.
     Here you are now, 18 and free living in your own apartment and under your own rules. And yet you still had to get up early, because one of the many perks of the living in your own apartment is having to pay rent.... And it sucks.
     Today was your second week of having to work as a waitress at a little cafe three blocks down from your apartment. You had been using bits of your college savings to pay rent until you got a job, and yes it did take all summer to find a job because you kept putting it off and putting it off because you hated work.
   You are quite the procrastinator.

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