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Dear whom ever is reading this,

I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay here longer than I needed too. We all know that I've had plans to leave since I was twelve years old, now that I'm nineteen, I can go.

Thank you for everything you've done, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I promise.

I love you,
Lottie Anderson

Lottie closed her eyes as she slowly placed the white piece of paper on the kitchen table, before picking up both of her suitcases and quietly lifting them off the ground so she didn't make any noise. Turning off the security system, she made her way to the front door, opening it and stepping out into the cold September morning air.

Her family was still fast asleep, as it was only three in the morning, but Lottie needed to get to her destination by twelve, might as well start now.

Lottie felt a twinge of sadness and guilt as she pulled out of the street, her friends wouldn't know where she was, no body. She didn't tell anyone. But she needed to get out, she's needed to leave Springfield for a long time now, and since she was nineteen and had enough money, it was a perfect moment.

The corner of her mouths lifted upwards as she saw that she was leaving, pulling into the highway. She let out a laugh.

No more getting pulled between her parents, no more having to stand in front of a judge, no more arguing with her mother. The pain, the untrustworthy people. It was all gone, a fresh start, and Lottie couldn't be happier.

On the outside, Lottie seemed like the happiest person you could know, but the demons that consumed her insides told you other wise. She wouldn't tell you how she felt for the longest time, but the moment she let you in, she felt that something bad seemed to happen to you. It has been that way since she was twelve, and so she just seemed to clam up.

She was okay with that.

Now, Lottie can start a whole new chapter in her life and she's ready.


[hello you all,

I'm the author, Katy, hello, hi, nice to meet you.

I would like to tell you that Lottie's name is actually Liselotte, like her first name. Lottie is the nickname.

Let me tell you how to pronounce it so you aren't confused.


As in aLISE but just the LISE part


put it all together, you get Liselotte.

Thank you for your time.]

Twitter: @Katybugg1278
Instagram: @Katybugg1278

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