Chapter 5: Revelations

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Chapter 6 - Revelations

[] [] [] – Anna

Another year had gone by, and as Anna sat down in her group's regular stall, she smiled as the train rested in the station. She had been messaging Tyler and Lucas over the course of the summer, and even Laila had sent her an absurdly formal letter which was cute in its own way. Tyler and Lucas' show had kept going over the summer, and with the internet now broadcasted across the globe. Anna even tuned in every once in awhile, and it often proved an interesting experience. The news was always very in depth, as Tyler broke stuff down and Lucas laid out the statistics and numbers, giving opinions much more rarely. Still, it was a good listen all the same. Her home life had been exceptionally boring, and looked forward to the school year. The sixteen year old leaned back in her chair and waited in silence.

She didn't have to wait long, as Laila knocked on the door respectfully, in typical Laila fashion. She opened the door, turning and sliding it shut behind her, not allowing it to slam shut. Anna chuckled internally as several students passed the door without asking to enter, which spoke volumes as to how established they were. Laila took a seat opposite Anna, and began with "Hey Anna, how are you?"

Anna casually replied, still leaning back "Fine, I got your letter.", laughing at the memory of it.

Laila shook her head, chuckling. "While the families don't mind me making connections with others, I think they're still coming to terms with the idea of friends for non expedient reasons. They'd be more concerned if their heads hadn't exploded at my uncle running for Head of the ICW. Still, they monitor my letters, if only to make sure they're properly written. Their OCD is on par with Lucas'."

This had them both laughing for a good minute, as they both knew what that madman was like. As Annas hearty cheer died down, she felt nostalgic at their first conversation, where Laila was withdrawn and Anna was over the top brash. It was hilarious how they had changed, with Laila growing more sly and socially adept, and herself growing more wholesome and understanding of others.

"How's Thomas doing?" Anna asked. As a Gryffindor, she had a ludicrously defined sense of right and wrong that extended to politics, and having spent a summer listening to coverage had led to her having some strong opinions. In addition, she hated lying with a passion. Her continuation was a bad combination of these two facts.

"No offence, but I really don't like some of his policies."

If Laila was offended, she didn't show it. "He's getting on fine, I've been watching and waiting for the most part. I don't want to play any cards until all the facts are out."

Anna nodded. South America and Africa were voting in just under a week, and the press, her friends included, had gone into a frenzy, as some of their policy positions had come forward. Faust was the most archaic, calling for increased defence and blood regulations, though anyone would admit he was the best spoken, and was a brilliant advertiser. The others was scrapping out in the middle of the spectrum, though Hosoda leaned a little more libertarian, which accounted for his relative popularity with the disadvantaged. Truth be told, Anna didn't like any of them, as the most "moderate" candidate was still far more disingenuous than she cared for.

"The problem is, none of them are much good." Anna surmised, before Laila replied "It's how they're picked. When they're nominated, it's a selection by a council vote in the ministry, and they play moderate to try and appeal to the inane establishment. Since none of the positions are popular, the one with the most money and name recognition wins. Anyone who stakes out an extreme position is demonised."

Anna gave a hollow chuckle. "You should run, you certainly know what you're doing."

Laila sighed and shook her head in amusement, as Anna continued "But I don't get it. If an idea is popular, then how do they make it seem unpopular?"

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