Chapter 4: Goooood morning Hogwarts!

Start from the beginning

"Does this mean I win?"

He reluctantly nodded, before a long pause permeated the open air. She wasn't being hostile or an asshole, she was obviously teasing.


He turned his head. "Yea?"

"What do I get for winning?"

This had him laughing. One of their previous discussions had been whether Laila, excepting familial ties, was a good fit in Slytherin. He'd been claiming she was, winning on the argument of her attitude to rewards, and weighing up options for personal benefit before taking a stance. As his laughter quieted down, he got relatively serious. Laila was probably the second smartest person he knew, and he couldn't deny she was... interesting. Certainly, there was a certain opposites interest at play, given her polar opposite background and perspective, but like he always tried to she put it aside at every convenience, but knew when to engage it to get what she wanted. If he was asked with a wand to his head who he would like to spend his time with, and the "no one" option was crossed out, he would most likely pick Laila. Before he gave himself the chance to do something unwise, he sighed, and moved his hands towards his face, moving his finger into the ridge between his mask and his face, before pulling the blindfold up to his forehead, with shallow bated breaths of anxiety. He didn't know what his face looked like, but her gasp as his hands came to rest confirmed it.

"Well what does it look like? You're the first person since the man who found me on the street after I was stabbed to see this. How has it ripened?" He jokingly asked with a jaunty grin, which was definitely not reciprocated.

"It..." she could barely speak, and he heard her step closer, before feeling her cold breath against his face. She moved no closer, examining his eyes. He moved his hand back up, feeling the scars, bubbly yet crackled hard, like overcooked bacon. He sighed as she backed off. "Will that do?"

Her pause confirmed it, so as he raised his blindfold onto the wound, he gave a cruel smile, gentle chuckles rising up into the soft night. As his voice died down, he joined the silence.

"Are you alright?" he eventually asked, and she eventually replied "Yeah... that must have hurt."

He shook it off, responding "It's alright, it was only sore for the first few months... WAIT NO I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!" his voice rising to a cry as he realising he was not being comforting. Fortunately Laila saw the funny side to his social ineptitude, giggling.

"You're hilarious." she mocked, as he realised he was blushing and looked away. She laughed at him, saying "Relax, you're fine. Actually..."

Lucas could barely contain himself, and began to ask "Do..." but the boy choked the delivery, causing Laila to laugh again, which brought Lucas to laughter. Laila eventually said slyly "Were you about to ask me out, Mr Beck?"

"JACOBSON Beck." he shouted, before realising she was intentionally playing with him, causing him to grump. "Yes, as a matter of fact I was..."

He sighed as he silently thanked Tyler for inviting him up to the party, as she whispered. "How does the lake Sunday afternoon sound?"

[] [] [] - Tyler

Tyler stood alone in the open observatory, and breathed out the open air. It was almost 3 o'clock, and he had been sitting for twenty minutes.

"Come on Lucas, what's the hold up?"

The guy never forgot anything, in fact he had to write this onto his own arm to remind himself. The observatory was a circle, with six pillars around the edges raising a translucent roof, allowing one to see all directions with an enchanted spyglass. The wizarding world had largely left the documentation of the stars to the muggles, who had made a pretty good job of it, making it to other planets, a feat which puzzled the wizarding establishment for years on end until a few muggleborns spelled out the science.

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