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My pulse was racing, my lungs about to burst.... I was in constant motion, wishing I knew how much longer I had. Wishing I hadn't forgotten how to breathe.
     Why do I put myself through this? Why do I feel the need to push myself past my limits? I'm asked these questions all the time. They seem so simple, yet I could spend my whole life pondering them and never find the words. No words that exist in the English language to express it, to express me. This is just who I am and
this is just what I do.
Therefore, in these moments of truth, I find that sometimes you have to push yourself beyond your limits. Sometimes in the midst of a struggle (an uphill battle more like), the only thing you have left is to have determination, know that the end is near, know that your goals are almost reached. In a famous quote by Jack Frost, he states, " The only way out is through". This is what I think of while I run. I am given a renewed sense of determination.

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