Chapter 7

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_________ Neymar's POV __________

The next day..

I woke up to Messi, Suarez and Pique jumping around in my room and playing with a football.

"Waheyyy, he's awake" Suarez says.

"Had a good nap Neymar?" Pique adds.

"Ney, come on get up buddy." Messi laughs as he throws a pillow at me.

I rub my eyes and look at them and then cover my face with my pillow.

"Bro you trying to suffocate yourself?" Suarez laughs.

Messi, Pique and Suarez were my best friends. I couldn't forget Rahfina but he was on holiday elsewhere with his girlfriend.

"Guys come on, I'm tired from training last night. Let me sleep y'all" I say hiding myself from them.

"Alright bro. Come on let's head downtown for a drink." Suarez mentions as him and Pique leave the room.

It's then silent for two minutes. I open one eye to see if they're gone but I see Messi just standing around looking like he had something to say. So I sit up.

"Jasmine. She's a nice girl." Messi says as he sits down on my bed.

"I know. That's why I invited her to training last night. I told the others that she works for me but I never really told her that. I mean, I kinda feel bad bro." I say looking down in disappointment.

My long fringe was in a mess as I slide my hands through my hair trying to fix it.

"It's not your fault. Anyone would assume you guys are dating or something. If, you wanted to avoid that kinda talk." Messi replies.

"Thanks man but I have a problem." I say as I gulp.

"Problem? What happened bro?" Messi says as he looks serious.

"I really like her. I mean like, like. I don't know what she thinks of me but I really want her." I say almost blushing and I think Messi could tell.

"What? That's wonderful? What's the problem in that? And if it's about her liking you back, you'll have to ask her." Messi says as he fiddles with a football.

"No it's not that. Last night, Suarez kept asking about her. Like he couldn't stop talking about her and he really wanted to know more about her. He even asked me to bring her to training again sometime soon. What if he likes her?" I say in a serious tone. I didn't really know how else to put it.

My feelings felt a little messed up. I love Suarez but this happened last time too when myself and Bruna were dating and he got a little jealous and then we split up. They never ended up dating or anything but he can't contain himself sometimes. And after a long misunderstand and troubled time, we were good again. So I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Suarez either. After all, he was my loyal teammate.

Messi knew about this. He was my best friend.  We share everything together and hang out a lot too.

"Really? Man lets hope it's not that chaos all over again. I mean Suarez is still our boy though. Why don't you tell him that you and Jasmine are dating? That way he can't come between you both." He suggests.

"Yeah but bro, I'm not actually dating her though. And I wanna be honest with her too. I just don't know if she'll be happy with it." I say.

"Meet up with her today. Tell her about it all. And if that's too hard to do, go on a double date by bringing our French boy Antoine and his girl Valentine." He replies laughing.

To be honest, that wasn't such a bad idea.

"I'll go pay her a visit then." I say smiling at Messi.
__________ Jasmines POV __________

My phone kept buzzing. So I gave Neymar my number last night and I'm getting all these texts this morning.

"Are you gonna get that?" Valentine says as she brings herself some breakfast. We were having tea with croissants.

"Uh, it's Ney. Doesn't matter. I don't know what to say to him anyway." I say bluntly.

"Mhmm this tea is good. I love the tea you make Val. Not gonna lie, your tea used to be crap but you make the perfect cup of tea." I say to her as I sip my tea.

"Wait, stop changing the topic. Why are you avoiding Neymar? I feel like he's trying to get close to you. And thanks. Even Antoine approves of my tea." She says as she daydreams.

"I'm not avoiding him I, I just feel awkward. Like he's Neymar. Even if he did like me, I'm just not good enough for him. I mean look at me Val. I'm just a stranger. Yeah I work with all these celebrities but it's not really me who gets the recognition if you get me." I say as I look away.

"Yeah but that's the best part. You're not a stranger. I mean not to me obviously but not even to Neymar. He's so famous and girls would die to be with him and I know how much you really like him. Just build on yourselves and you'll find that you really do deserve to be together." Val says feeling proud.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I'll reply to his texts then." I say pulling out my phone.

I read the texts to see Neymar asking to meet up with me, again. He didn't have any reason for it, he just wanted to hang out.

"So what did he say?" Val asks me looking interested.

"He wants to meet up with me. To hang out." I reply as I sip my tea.

"Oooh this is gonna be lit! You and Neymar would be the cutest. I noticed you called him Ney earlier too." She says as she winks at me.

"Have you even replied then yet? Here give it to me. I'll do it for you." she says as she quickly gets up and grabs my phone. I try to snatch it back but she wouldn't give it to me.

"No Val! Don't say anything stupid. Here, give me my phone back." I shout at her but she's busy texting.

She finally gives it back to me and I quickly read the text.


Hey Jas, I was wondering if you
wanted to hang out today? x 09:33am

Sure I would love to! See
10:14am you soon babe xxx

"Oh my god Val. I'm going to kill you!" I say annoyed but I laugh.

"Omg your face lol. Hahaha! I'll get my bae Antoine on you!" She says as she gets up and starts running around as I chase her.

Perfect Strangers ➳ Neymar JrTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang