Chapter 1- A Not-So-Normal Walk in The Park

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*Rhea's POV*

The breeze felt warm against my light skin, blowing just enough to let my liquid silver hair flow behind me. Feeling something... suspicious, I snapped my eyes open and looked in both awe and fear. I was I'm the air! But I wasn't levitating, as I felt movement on my legs. A scream was caught in my throat. There, upon whom's back I was riding, was a dragon that seemed to be three stories tall. I felt something warm and wet trickle down my thighs and the feeling of open flesh on my trousers, I knew my legs had been rubbed raw.

Putting those thoughts towards the back of my mind, I leaned back against what I just realized was a saddle. My skin feeling warmer than what it already was, I leaned forward and grabbed an ivory spike along the beasts neck. I craned my neck to the left, due to the beast's large size, and peered beyond the horizon. To my astonishment, three other dragons we're in the distance. All different colours, sizes, and all had riders. Two of the riders were alien to me. I didn't recognize them and yet I still felt that I had met them before. The other rider was one that seemed familiar. I racked my brain for minutes. As the name of whom it was popped into my mind, my dragon flew into a dense cloud and the world went dark.

Screamimg and sweating profusely, I attempted to get up and calm myself, but I wasn't able to. Gleaming green eyes peeled into my very soul, their body pinning me down. "Asher Deryth, why the fuck are you kissing me?" I mumbled with his lips on mine. He got up and unpinned me. Though the room was dimly lit, I saw his cheeks flush. U swung my legs across my hay bale of a bed and stood. My head felt weightless for a moment. I remembered I had had a bit to drink last night, so I expected walking would be a difficult task. I wobbled over to my dresser and sent an accusitive glare towards Asher. While I had been asleep, he set out all the things I needed:A tunic, trousers, and a belt. He had also set out all of my tools, which included a bow and quiver full of arrows, three daggers, and my sword.

He had left my room and let le change. I placed the belt around my waist, then put the sword in it's sheath on my left and my dagger in its own sheath to my right. I placed the other two daggers down my boots into the holes I had created for makeshift sheaths. Placing the how and quiver around my neck and shoulders, I looked into my mirror fragment and left my room. Ash was standing by the door, excitement etched into each of his features. I grabbed a quick piece of jerky and bread and left the house. Our hands were interlcoed the whole way to Carvahall's outskirts. The sin was just touching the horizon, so the area was dimly lit. Just like I liked it.

"Would you like a race?" I challenged. He nodded and bent into a racing position. He better be ready, I thought to myself. Repeating the stance, we both looked forward.

"Three. Two. ONE!" I yelled. We both sped off, and he quickly started gaining distance. I was beginning to catch up when an off sensation occurred in my mind. What the Hell is this, I thought. As an annoying buzzing started play in my head, the ground became a blur. I sped past Asher and was at the Anora River within seconds. I had to dig my heels into the ground to stop from falling into the river. Lightheaded, I leaned against a tree to stabilize myself.

What the fuck?! Did I just use my magic?  I knew my mother was an elf,  though she does not know,  but I never thought that being only half elf meant I could use her abilities. Well... I guess I have some questions to ask,  I noted. "What the Hell was that, Silver? " Ash asked me when he got the the river bank. His piercing green eyes were staring into my soul. I looked towards the ground,  wondering whether to lie or say the truth. Truth.  I would rather be truthful than be caught in a spiral of lies.

"Will you promise to keep this a secret and not be afraid?" I asked,  surprisingly timid even for me. His eyes looked up worriedly,  then nodded. "My mother is an elf.  I being half elf meant I could use magic,  and I just used that ability." I told him. Excitement seemed to writhe within his body,  then he pulled me into a hug. "I am not afraid. I am actually quite thrilled and excited knowing this about you!" He said childishly.

Then,  as when all seemed calm and collected, he bent down and pulled a box out of his pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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