Complete Change (2 weeks later)

Start from the beginning

-"I will never come with you!"

     They all pointed their weapons at me and I saw the captain raise his hand.

-"Ready! Aim!" He yelled.

     I braced myself the best I could. There was nothing. No pain. No sound. I looked back up to see the captain looking at the ceiling.

-" you hear that?" He said.

     The ceiling started shaking and I saw cracks start to form. After a short pause, I saw Planeptune Special Forces, or P.S.F., break in through the ceiling and the door. They took out the men with ease and moved on. While they were charging through the building room by room, I looked on in amazement of their capabilities. I remember my grandfather used to be in the military. I also used to be a commander in the military but I quit not that long ago. One wounded soldier came up to me and handed me his assault rifle.

-"You remember how to use that thing Mi- I mean, Sir?" He asked.

-"Of course I do!" I said.

-"I think you'll be a lot more helpful than I'll be."

-"Leave it to me." I said as I walked out the door.

I got into the room where the others were fending off invaders. I helped take them down and we regrouped. There were only 9 of us left. We went into the next room and learned that the invaders were trying to flee. We pressed our final offensive. On my signal, everyone would fire at the same time. 

-"NOW!" I yelled.

     Everyone fired what remained in their clips at the fleeing invaders and we went over to confirm the kills. I noticed one was still alive and had something in his hand. He saw me and threw it at me. I caught and looked at it. GRENADE! I threw it away from me as fast as I could before it detonated 4 feet away from me. I was sent flying back into the wall. I fell to the ground and felt myself lose consciousness. 




     I don't know how long I was out for but when I started to regain my senses, I felt something over me. I opened my eyes to see the source of the weight.

     I looked around first to see the bodies of the fleeing troops from earlier were gone

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     I looked around first to see the bodies of the fleeing troops from earlier were gone. Did Iris Heart do something to them?

-"L-Lady Iris Heart?" I asked.

-"Yes~?" She said.

-"Why are you on top of me?" I asked nervously.

-"Because I want to check if you're okay~. I saw the grenade incident but don't worry, I made sure that he paid for what he did. Same with the others." 

-"O-okay...where are they now?"

-"I made sure their legs weren't broken too much to send them home."

     I was scared. Was this really the Goddess of Planeptune? 

-"Could...Could you get off of me now?" I asked.

-"Sure sweety~."

     She got off of me and looked at me curiously.

-"So, I would like to know how you're not dead right now. The grenade was 4 feet away from you. That's fatal distance." She said.

-"I honestly don't know how Lady Iris Heart. Is lady luck on my side again? I don't know. But anyway, thank you Iris Heart." I said.

     I saw a pillar of light surround her. Was she de-transforming? I can finally see what she's really like! She finished transforming and turned to me.

-"You're welcome! They were meanies anyway. I don't like meanies." She said.

     Are you kidding me? This is the girl from earlier today! This innocent and cute looking girl is Iris Heart!? Well, at least that explains why I had a bad vibe about her.

-"I'll be going home now, I'm super tired." She said.

-"Alright, bye for now." I said as she walked away.

     At that moment, more Planeptune troops entered the room.

-"Sir! Are you okay?" I heard one of them say.

-"I'm fine soldier. Just...woozy." I said.

-"Sir, we've all been wondering something for a while now."

-"What is it?" I said as I turned.

     I saw him holding my signature weapon, The Ripper, towards me.

     I saw him holding my signature weapon, The Ripper, towards me

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-"Will you...ever come back to us?" He asked.

-"What are you talking about trooper? I...I retired from the military a while ago." I said.

-"Sir, with all due respect, we all saw your expression on the day of your departure ceremony. You didn't look happy or satisfied with your decision. We were all asking ourselves when you'd return. Also, considering how many men we've lost today, we could really use your teaching again sir." He said.

     I looked at him for a bit, then extended my arm towards The Ripper and grabbed it.

-"Alright, I'll come back." I said.

-"Welcome back sir!" They all said in unison.

     I could tell that my life was about to get refueled with adventures.

Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now