Tsurugi Kyousuke × Reader

Start from the beginning

Y/n's POV
Over time, I realised that Tsurugi was the heart throb of the school, which made me deny my feelings even more. I heard from other people that he would reject every girl that confessed to him. This made me feel like he would reject me as well. What makes you think you would even confess y/n? You said love was an irrelevant thing! I tried to convince myself. However, I started to question my belief.

Timeskip to practice
"Y/n! Look! He's doing it again!" Midori hissed at me. I turned around to look at Tsurugi, only to see him look away with a slight blush on his face. "See? He likes you!! You need to confess!" Akane whispered excitedly. "This is probably why he rejects every other girl that confesses to him." Aoi observed. "Alright guys! Break time!" As they walked over to get their bottles from us, I realised Midori purposely gave me Tsurugi's. Before I could do anything about it, Tsurugi approached me. I handed him the bottle. "Thanks." As he drank, I noticed how hot he looked when he was sweating. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING Y/N?!?! I mentally slapped myself. Tsurugi must have noticed I was looking at him, because he blushed.

Kyousuke's POV
What is this feeling? I feel my heart beat faster whenever I'm around her. Her smile makes me feel like everything is alright. Her voice sounds so calming and soothing. Is this love?

Timeskip to next day of school
Y/n's POV
I was preparing for english class when i got a mysterious text.

Meet me outside school after school.

I was scared but also curious at the same time.

Timeskip to recess

"Hey y/n?" "Yeah?" "Is something bothering you?" Tenma was looking at me worriedly. "No why would you say that?" I lied. "You've been looking distracted ever since school started."
Shit is it really that obvious?
"It's nothing. Really." Just then the bell rang. "See you guys later, bye." I stood up and prepared to go for my next lesson. Tenma looked at Aoi and the others with his eyebrows raised.

Timeskip to after school
I think I will go.
I started packing up my bag, hoping no one would follow me. I started walking out of the school gates.
For some strange reason I felt that I was being watched. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand and the person started running. I couldn't see his or her face because we were running so fast. I looked around after we stopped. We were by the riverbank. I was surprised when I saw


who was standing in front of me.
"Y/n... I want to tell you something."
I could feel my heart pounding and me getting nervous. "Wh-What is it?"
"I-I-I love y-y-you." He started to lean in for a kiss but I pushed him away. "I-I'm sorry. I really l-l-love you too but... you're just going to leave me after a while like all the other boys and I'm just going to feel broken a-and..." I couldn't continue anymore because tears starting rolling down my cheeks. I felt Tsurugi lifting my chin up with his thumb, making me look at him. He used his other thumb and wiped away my tears while looking at me lovingly. "I will willingly do whatever you want without question. You have my word that I will never leave you. I love you with all my heart y/n, I hope you know that." With that he cupped his hands around my cheek as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he gently caressed my cheeks. I liked the warmth I felt on my cheeks. We pulled apart for breath. "I'll take that as a yes." I smiled as I laid against his chest. His breathing somehow calmed me down. I felt like no one could hurt me when I was in his arms. I felt safe, secure. "Thank you, Kyousuke. You gave me love, something I thought would only bring misery, pain and suffering. But you have given me hope in love again. I love you. As long as I live." I looked up at him, my eyes filled with tears of joy. "I love you too. Forever and ever." He wrapped his arms around me as I placed my head on his chest, with my hands around his waist. I sighed happily.

Tenma's POV
"Awww that's so sweet." Aoi sighed as she continued watching the two lovebirds from behind the tree. Akane was busy taking pictures of the two of them. *click* *click* I smiled. Looks like Tsurugi has a heart after all.

Extended ending
"Hi guys!" I said happily as I entered the classroom, hand in hand with Kyousuke. "Ohayo y/n- YOU AND TSURUGI ARE TOGETHER?!" Tenma shouted. That got everyone's attention. There were whispers around the whole class as they looked at our  hands. I could hear whispers like "Why would senpai date someone like her?" "Ew she's so fat." "And ugly." I started to get uncomfortable. Kyousuke noticed. "Look. If you have a problem with us being together, I. Don't. Care. Got it? As long as we are happy." He kissed me on my cheek. I blushed slightly. As we sat down, I whispered to Kyousuke. "Thank you." He just smiled softly at me. "Anything for you." He grabbed my hand. We were enjoying holding hands until... *cough* *cough* "Uh guys? I get that you are together now but erm... can you please don't get lovey-dovey in class?" We turned around. Tenma was looking at us awkwardly. "Jealous?" Kyousuke smirked at Tenma. He just chuckled. "Why would I be?" "Good luck with Aoi." He winked at Tenma. Tenma immediately  blushed and looked away. I was surprised, to say the least. Looks like there's going to be another couple soon...

Author's Note
Alright guys so this is the end xD
I hope you enjoyed this :)
Next up will be fubuki × reader!
See you soon ^^

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