Tsurugi Kyousuke × Reader

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Author's Note
Hi guys! Its me agaa~~in. So this was requested by @lauratsurugi23940
I'll be doing the fubuki request after this one as I don't have an idea for that one shot yet I'm SO sorry ><
I hope you enjoy this ^^

Shouldn't someone of my age be having a boyfriend now? Or at least a crush? Well, sorry but I'm not your average 13-year-old. You see, I had a bad experience with a boy before, which made me think that all boys are like that. Hence, I now feel that love is an irrelevant thing and it can only bring pain and misery into your life. I thought that I would never feel love again, until I met him...

Y/n's POV
"Ugh do I have to change schools again." I rolled my eyes as I munched on potato chips. "You have to. We're moving back to Inazuma Town again! Aren't you excited?" I felt slightly happier. It has been quite long since I moved... A lot has probably changed. "Okay fine. Only because we're moving back to somewhere I actually know." You see, my mom had a job that required her to move around the whole world. I'm not kidding. We went to America, London, Korea even Australia! Finally, today her boss called her and said that she would be permanently staying at Inazuma Town. This meant that I could finally make life-long friendships with people without having to worry about moving faaaar away and never seeing them again.

Timeskip to the day you arrive at Inazuma town

I took in a deep breath as I took in my surroundings. Surprisingly, not much had changed here. Just a few minor changes, nothing major. I stretched. "I'm finally out of the airplane! What a relief." For the past 12 hours, I was stuck in an airplane that was literally flying halfway across the world just to reach Japan. I could feel the jetlag getting to me though. I yawned. "Feeling tired sweetie? Do you want to rest first? I can put a mattress on the floor first if you don't mind." I was so tired I just nodded, my eyes half closed. I walked into my soon-to-be-mine room. I lied down on the mattress and almost immediately fell asleep. When I woke up, it was almost night time. I groggily rubbed my eyes as I walked down the steps. "Oh good you're awake. Just in time for dinner!" I look down to see my mom placing dishes onto the dining table. I didn't feel like eating, so I decided to take a walk around. "I'll be back soon."
"Be careful!" My mom warned. "Okay mom! Bye!" I walked out the door and was greeted by a warm and cooling breeze. I sighed contentedly. Now this is what I need. I started walking to a nearby park and took a seat at a bench. Suddenly, my peace and quiet was disturbed by someone shouting at me. A ball hit my leg soon after. Hard. "Ow!" I almost screeched. "Sorry." I heard someone mutter. I looked up. Someone with navy blue hair was picking up the ball. Somehow his eyes captivated me. I was so lost in his eyes I didn't realise I had started staring. Snap out of it y/n! I blinked and shook my head. "That's all you have to say?" He snorted. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hit your perfect little leg. Sorry for causing a super super tiny bruise on your leg." I felt myself getting angry. "Excuse me?" I almost started shouting. "Who's the one who kicked their ball at me?! You could've at least ask if I was OK. Ever heard of care and concern?!" I was shouting by now. He probably didn't expect such a violent reaction as I saw him look at me with wide eyes.

Kyousuke's POV
Woah. She's a feisty one. I think I'll get along with her just fine.

Y/n's POV
I calmed myself down. "Sorry. I have anger issues." I started walking away. Well, that's my night ruined. For the rest of the night, I was grumpy and got agitated easily. My mom was very understanding and didn't bother me by asking what happened. I'm so lucky to have a mom like her. (A/n: I wish my mom was like that ><) Luckily, after a good night's rest, I quickly forgot about it and I became really cheerful and relaxed again. After all, sleeping solves everything, right? (A/n: It does for me xD) I started preparing for school. It was my first day at my new school, Raimon Junior High. I heard that their soccer is very strong. Unfortunately, I wasn't really a sports type of person. I was more of an arts person. I started to tie my hair into a bun, since that was my style. (Look at pic above^)
I hummed to myself as I adjusted my uniform. The skirt was just above my knee, which was the perfect length for me. Not too short, not too long. After I was satisfied with my look, I went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Morning mom!"
"Morning honey!"
I could immediately smell pancakes as I sat down on the dining table, waiting impatiently for the pancakes. I was really hungry as I didn't have dinner last night. My mouth was practically drooling when my mom put a stack of pancakes in front of me.

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