2) Party Night

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The weekend came seemingly fast, and before Brendon even knew it he was at Spencer's party, in the guess bedroom with a girl on top of him.

He didn't even need to try that hard to get her to come upstairs with him. Brendon was drunk (but then again when was he not?) and this girl obviously wasn't drunk (Debbie he thinks is her name??) but she found his awkward charm adorable and somehow allowed Brendon to lead her to the guest bedroom of Spencer's home.

So here he was, absolutely plastered, with a girl straddling him and a huge boner. His shirt was off, she shirt was off, and Brendon was slowly working on getting her completely naked. Her lips were attached to his neck, biting and sucking at his skin leaving marks his mom would notice if he didn't cover them up.

This whole thing would have been simple, right? They'd do the deed, and then Debbie would go back to only talking to Brendon when she needed the answer to math homework. Brendon just wanted one thing and one thing only, and that was a quick fuck in Spencer's guest bedroom. But no, something had to get in his way again.

"Have you ever done this before?" Debbie's hot breath was on Luke's cheek as she spoke, and she leaned down even closer so her chest was pressed against his.

"Um," Brendon managed to slip out, trying to hold back from moaning right in the middle of this sentence. "Done what?"

"Have sex silly" Debbie said sitting up away from Brendon.

"W-What?" Brendon asked, not sure if he should tell Debbie about his virginity. "Maybe, I don't know.."

"Just tell me." Debbie ordered.

"No." Brendon said quickly, hoping Debbie didn't hear and pulled her again, pressing his lips to hers.

Debbie tangled her hands in Brendon's thick hair and let out a load moan. His hands began moving to her waist again so he could hold her closer. She bit down on his bottom lip and Brendon moaned again. He was hardly able to control himself anymore.

He'd been waiting for this moment for 18 years, and he didn't think he could hold back any longer.

"Brendon," Debbie chuckled against his lips pulling away again. "Brendon."

"What?" Brendon groaned, trying to grab Debbie back again. He was so close to getting what he wanted, to winning this ridiculous deal he made with Brent. And now she was ruining it all.

"I can't do this with you." She said tucking some hair behind her ear.

"B-But why?" Brendon whined.

"I can't just take your virginity, are you crazy?" Debbie continued laughing, as if this whole thing was funny. Brendon was just pissed off. Why wouldn't she have sex with him? He didn't care, and she shouldn't either.

"Please, I want you to." Brendon begged. Debbie climbed off of Brendon and sat on the bed next to him. That's when he knew he'd lost the deal. He was going to die a virgin.

"We barely know each other." Debbie said breaking his train of thought.

"So? You're fucking hot and I'm adorably awkward. Let's get this show on the road!" Brendon fake cheered, sitting up trying to ignore the fact he still had a huge boner.

"You want to have sex with me because I'm hot?" Debbie's eyes narrowed as she questioned him.

"No, no." Brendon began. " I'm actually trying to win a bet with my friends..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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