Climbing the Counters | UF!PapyrusxUF!Sans

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Something hard collided with the top of his head. Sluggishly he opened his eyes to see a familiar purple flame elemental glaring at him. Edge raised his head from the shot covered bar. He grinned at Grillby who was nearly fuming. "Hey buddy there's no smoking allowed after hours." Grillby picked him up roughly by the collar of his jacket. Releasing his grip he dropped him onto the floor. He then stomped away and worked on clearing off a nearby table. The diner was completely empty, Edge must have passed out from drinking too much again. Usually Fell would come in screaming and drag him home before closing time. He looked to the clock and saw it was past midnight. His mind grew hazy as he staggered to his feet. Shakily he walked towards the door almost running into a chair. Pushing it open, the cold Snowdin air whipped through him. The streets were completely deserted. There wasn't even a single light on in any of the houses. Shrugging he sloppily walked the way home.

It took him a lot longer to reach home tonight. He leaned onto every wall and object he passed in order to keep his balance. Their house finally came into view. His stomach was growing impatient and nauseous. Walking up the porch he peered through the window. The lights were out and no one was on the couch. Maybe his night of drinking hadn't been noticed then. Reaching for the doorknob he completely it missed, as his fingers collided with the door. "Fucking door!" he cursed at it angrily. Roughly grabbing the doorknob he twisted it open and walked inside. Slamming the door behind him he waited for Fell's wrath and fury. Not a single noise came from his brothers room though. His mouth felt bone dry now. He stumbled towards the kitchen almost running into the counter. Forcefully he swung open the nearest cupboard. Nothing was behind the door though. Confused he opened another cupboard. There was nothing in this one either. Growing agitated he flung open one more. This one had nothing in it as well. He exclaimed loudly, "What in the HELL!" Kicking the cupboard closed he stomped angrily over to the fridge. Something caught his eye as he walked away from the counter. Looking up he saw where everything had gone. Stacked higher than he could ever reach was all the dishes and even some food. Cursing under his breath he turned and flung the fridge door open. It had been emptied out as well. Slamming the door closed he yelled loudly "FELL! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE AND PUT THE STUFF BACK!" He waited for his brother to come storming down the stairs, but the house stayed quiet. Even more angry now he slammed all the cupboard doors shut, as he stomped out of the room. Furious he stomped the entire way through the house. He stomped louder as he passed by his brothers room. Still he got no response. Ripping his door open he walked through and slammed it behind himself. Exasperated he collapsed onto his bed. Even though he was boiling mad it didn't take long for him to pass out.

A door slammed waking him from his slumber. His throbbing head let him know he had a terrible hangover. It was then that he remembered all the noise he made last night. Today was going to be hell. There's no way Fell was going to let him live after all that. Slowly he sat up in his bed. Maybe if he actually got up on time he'd show some mercy. He didn't bet on that though. Shuffling up from the bed he quietly opened his door. Stalling for a moment before he walked threw the door. Trying to not make much noise he closed it carefully behind himself. Working his best to hide his hangover he walked carefully down the stairs. Fell didn't even acknowledge his presence as his eyes stayed fixated on the tv. Holding his breath he quickly passed by the tv and into the kitchen. Releasing the held breath, he flinched as Fell shifted on the couch. But he didn't get up or even look towards him. His mouth was still horribly dry from all his drinking last night. He looked up checking to see if everything was still stacked up there. Yup it still was, he complained under his breath. Looking to the table he saw that the chairs were gone too. There was only one way he could think of to get to it. He walked to the counter and pulled himself. Slowly he stood up keeping tight grip of a cupboard. With his other hand he opened one to the right of himself. Inside the cupboard at the very top shelf sat the glasses. He reached towards them but they were up too high. Cursing to himself he stretched out his body trying again. His bony fingers scraped the edge of the glass. Trying to make himself even taller he let go of the other cupboard. This was a bad idea though as he lost his balance. Unable to grab back onto it quick enough he fell backwards. He flailed his arms in panic. Before he even got close to the ground a pair of boney arms wrapped around him. He looked up to see Fell's face filled with rage as he stared back.

"WHY IN THE HELL WERE YOU STANDING UP THERE!" Fell yelled clearly very angry at him.

Quickly growing frustrated that he was being blamed he yelled back. "You were the one who put the stuff up there in the first place! There were no chairs either how else was I supposed to reach anything?!" He struggled trying to break free of Fell's grip. It didn't work in the least though as the taller skeleton kept his arms around him. Fell dropped him onto the couch.

"Don't you dare move an inch." The older brother said storming off. He was still furious but he complied knowing that disobeying wouldn't end well. Minutes passed by as Fell stomped around the house taking everything he had put up high back down. It was entertaining to watch him put everything back. Once everything had been put back into place he sighed loudly.

He turned and stared at Edge his eyes glowing a fierce red. "If I see or hear about you climbing onto anything else." Fell walked closer staring him down. "I'll kill you myself." A chill went down his spine. The couch shifted as Fell sat down next to him. His gaze was now just fixated on the wall. Fell crossed his arms as they sat silently on the couch. Both of them sat in silence for a while. He wanted to say something but feared his brother's wrath. Eventually Fell broke the silence as he flicked the tv on. An action moved flashed across the screen a moment before he changed the channel. Now on the tv was something completely different. A title card played as a horror movie started. Fell's arms uncrossed as one wrapped around his waist pulling him closer. Opening his mouth to say something. He was quickly hushed by Fell as his focus went back to the tv. The two of them watched the movie together. It turned out to be a marathon though as three movies were set to run one after another. His eyes started to grow heavy. Leaning more towards Fell his body relaxed. Eventually his tiredness won the war as he drifted off to sleep

A soft snore filled the air. Edge was now cuddled up against his side. He had fallen asleep already. The taller skeleton let out a sigh. Grabbing the remote he stopped the movie and turned the tv off. Trying not to wake Edge he relaxed into the couch. His gaze then turned to Edge. He'd punish him later for staying at Grillby's so late last night another day. Slowly he pulled Edge into his lap trying not to wake him. Edge was a pretty deep sleeper though. He looked so peaceful right now. Kissing the top of his head he wrapped his arms around Edge. Slowly he started to drift to sleep as well.  

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