What Have We Awaken?

Start from the beginning

Zander looked really hurt but didn't say anything. He said, "I know I can't read. But that's okay. Because I'm not being a cranky jerk over not getting what I want."

"So we have male dogs and bitches in this room, all barking uselessly for information they would never understand." Blaze cooed.

"We are intelligent." Merci said. "We will always be bettering than you."

Blaze raised an eyebrow and looked at the ceiling, saying, "if I do recall, you say you are intelligent but had no self control when you hurt Fei for what he did to you and Lila."

Merci's eyes widened. "H-how do you know so much about all of us?"

"I thought you said you were intelligent. Such a shame." She spoke.

Jackie looked at us. "Those shadows didn't just hurt us, did they?" She demanded of Blaze.

"I suppose."

"Suppose?" Jackie muttered. "You know."

"So what if I do?" She tilted her head.

"You bitch!" She hissed. I could see her struggle to stay in place.

Blaze smiled more. "For a Class 4 Ghost, you are very disappointing. I knew there wasn't a real threat to come across you, but even then I expected better than my sweet daughter and her mutant hybrids of dogs in a pack."

I still couldn't find my voice, but was managing to stand on my own two feet.

"Congratulations, Em. Finally accomplishing something for once." Her voice cooed again.

"And what did you accomplish? Living in a pyramid and stalking six teenagers? Hm, and I thought I needed a hobby." Marlo taunted.

"Speaking of hobbies, I find it ironic you use a bow an arrow when a long ranged weapon is what killed Marie."

He paled. "Shut up! Don't talk about my sister!" He hissed with rage.

"Afraid she'd be disappointed in you? Or can't take the guilt of being responsible of her death?" She said, looking at her fingertips with much greater interest.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" He was about to run to her but instinct took over and I held him back.

"What's wrong, Ember?" Blaze chuckled, still gazing at her fingertips.

"Leave him alone... Leave us alone." I finally said.

"Afraid to let anyone else get hurt? And fail too? Poor poor Ruby. A failed curse she made. Only to have six misfit toddlers standing here thinking they stand a chance. It moves my heart you believe that there is hope. It's so pathetic and hard to watch." She said softly.

I could feel my eyes watering. All the guilt from so many years streamed down from my eyes across my cheeks. "I-i-it wasn't my f-fault..." I stammered.

"Not your fault? If you let me find Ignius and Sapphire, I wouldn't have had to punish you, sweetheart. If you were useful, Ruby wouldn't have had to die." Blaze said, observing her combat boots curiously, never bothering to look at me.

Marlo said, "it was not her fault."

"How so, little Mexican brat?" She asked curiously. "If Ruby hadn't sealed me, the curse wouldn't exist."

Steel said, "we already know you cursed her to be bipolar. There is nothing you can tell us she hasn't already."

"Not even her relationship to the Warlock's Curse?" She asked admiring her outfit choices.

Jackie ran her fingertips through her hair and said, "we know that too. She isn't to blame. It's you. It was a prison. You... you turned into a curse."

Shikaku Assassins: The Warlock's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now