Hopeful Proposition

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I want to thank everyone who stuck with me for this story- your comments, votes, and feedback mean the world to me. Check out the sequel, "Whisper Courage," the first chapter of which has been uploaded at the same time as this chapter. Hope to see you all there! 


“Let’s hear a word from our Head Boy, Liam Dorsey.” Dumbledore announced, clapping gently. The audience applauded as well as Liam stepped onto the small stage, looking as though he might vomit from nerves. He stepped up to the podium, laid out a long roll of parchment and cleared his throat before beginning to speak.

“My fellow graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we have finally made it to the day we dreamed of since we set foot in this castle’s corridors.” Liam began. He continued on, thanking parents and professors alike, speaking of grades and academic successes. The nervous tone of his voice began to fade the more he spoke, butAurorawas only becoming more and more agitated. Her robes felt stiff and hot on her skin and her legs were restless so that she felt she had to cross and uncross them several different ways, never finding a comfortable position. She had a speech folded in her pocket, written carefully on parchment, but it wasn’t what she wanted to say. She didn’t want to sound like Liam, proper and pompous. She wanted to be real. This day had been spoken of to her for years as the beginning of the rest of her life. Instead, here she thought, worrying about murderers and Peter Pettigrew’s escape. Her peers had no idea of the dangers they faced once they left Hogwarts’ protection.

“Thank you, Mr. Dorsey. I would now like to welcome this year’s Head Girl, Aurora Finch, to the stage.” Dumbledore announced now, as the applause ensued once more.Aurorastood quickly, smoothing down her robes with her hands and taking a deep breath. She still hadn’t decided what exactly to do about her speech, but somehow, she knew that she was going to be winging it.

“Well…we did it.” She said, managing a nervous smile as she stood in front of the podium. Her statement was followed by cheers from her fellow students. She laughed slightly.

“Our parents and professors all want to know what we’ve learned. I’ve learned countless potions and spells, muggle and wizarding histories alike, but I think there are things more important than all of these.” She started, glancing over at the Ravenclaws, some of whom were staring at her like she had grown two heads. She smirked to herself.

“I’ve learned that things are almost never what they seem, that you can find love in the most unexpected places, that you can face your fears and live to tell the tale. I’ve learned that you are never alone.” She paused, looking around at her audience. She could see Remus there, smiling back up at her. Further away in the crowd she caught a glimpse of blonde hair- Lindsay. She couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s something that I think we all need to remember as we step into the newest chapter of our lives. It will be scary. It will be challenging. There will be moments when we question everything that we know, but you aren’t the only one. The support system and the friends that you’ve found here will be yours for life. Don’t lose it.” Aurora paused once more, swallowing hard.

“Hats off to the class of 1994!” She exclaimed. There was a cheer from the audience as all of the students took off their black wizarding caps and threw them high into the air. Dumbledore took the stage again as Aurora stepped off to the side with Liam.

“You didn’t write a speech did you?” He asked, smirking.

“Was it obvious?”

“Only to me.” He laughed.

“Good.” She smiled. Dumbledore raised his arms.

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