The boy in the window

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Hey guys! This chapter contains: Swearing, abuse, and hinting of rape.

Skylar's p.o.v

I reached for the last box in the living room that says "Sky" before lifting it upstairs. Once I got there, I checked the time: 11:53. Ugh. I have school tomorrow so I have to get some sleep.

"Guys I'm gonna go to bed" I say as I make my way down the stairs.

"No the fuck you aren't. You're unpacking this whole kitchen first" my dad says, taking a swig of his beer.

"Um I have fucking school in the damn morning so no. I'm not doing your job because you made us move, since you enjoy feeling up my friends" I say, fed up with his bullshit.

"Excuse me?" He said, standing up. I bolted up the stairs, and into my room, trying to shut and lock the door before he could catch me, but tripping up the last step didn't help.

He caught me and threw me against my wall, holding my hair in his hands. I can smell the taste of booze in his breath as he breathes heavily. Groaning, he pushes me on the bed and starts hitting me. I try hitting him back, but I'm literally only 136 pounds and he's in his 250's.

He makes sure to leave bruises on my eye and cheek, then busts my lip. I can taste the blood as I try to fight back.

"GEORGE" I hear my mothers scream. He stopped, before going to her, and slapping her.

"Don't fucking get in the middle of my fucking business. You fucking cunt" he spat at her before leaving, slamming my bedroom door shut. My mother just looked at me with sympathy before opening the door and leaving.

I sit up, and look at the clock. 12:17. I get up to turn the light off when I realized my window curtains were open and my window was open. I go to shut it when I see something odd.

There was a boy. Looks around my age, standing behind a window at the house across from mine. His eyes were wide and I can tell he saw the entire thing. I just quickly shut the window and curtains, then strip out of my bloody clothes.

Climbing into bed, I couldn't help but think of who that boy is. Oh well he probably won't even care. I plug my phone in before turning to my side, letting sleep over come my aching body.

Alright so I know it wasn't that good but yanno 😂. So who do you think the boy is? It's pretty obvious 😂 but yeah. Skylar has an abusive drunk dad. 😒

I love you guys!

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