Alex eyed his opponent down, taking in his appearance and what he could be capable of. His opponent stood at 5'11. He was a bald, dark skin male covered in tattoos. A scar was under his right eye, and he wore a scowl.

The guy inched closer to Alex, but Alex didn't back away. He knew what he was doing. The guy threw his first punch, but Alex placed his foot behind the guy's foot and jerked his leg forward causing him to fall hard on his back. He hit the floor of the ring with a loud thud, which made some people ooh and get excited. Alex had him right where he wanted him. He sent punch after punch to the guy's face.

The guy suddenly gained strength and pushed Alex off of him. Alex nearly fell, but he didn't. Falling would mean possibly losing. Losing would mean no money for him. No money would mean losing his life because of Ace.

His opponent only got a few hard hits in before Alex grew angry. He felt his body temperature rise, not due to the lack of fans, but because of how angry he had become. Alex grabbed the man's arm and twisted it until he heard his bones cracking. The opponent squeezed his eyes shut and yelled out in agony. Alex wrapped his free arm around his opponent's neck and began to stop his oxygen flow.

The man pulled his arm out of the lock Alex had on it, but as he did so his arm was bent the wrong way. He screamed out in pain as he broke his own arm. He managed to tap out with his arm that wasn't broken though.

Alex pushed his opponent to the ground and smiled in triumph as he heard Breezy being chanted. His eyes gazed around the room as he hopped out of the ring. Ace was the first to congratulate him before going to collect their money.

"Twenty fucking thousand dollars." Alex chuckled to himself as he finished counting through the stack of money for the sixth time tonight.

After his win, Alex decided to just go home. The cops are always out at night time and he didn't want to end up being another hashtag.

Alex stuffed his money under his bed as Majesty strolled out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He looked her up and down, with a small grin on his lips. He wanted her. He wanted her so bad, but he knew she couldn't be with a guy like him. She was only here to finish her paper on his laptop since hers stopped working a couple hours ago.

Majesty sat next to Alex on the bed with his laptop in her lap.

Even with her hair all over the place, he still found her beautiful. That's what made him so confident to talk to her. Usually it's the other way around, but not with Alex. If he sees a beautiful woman, he's going to talk to her.

Majesty's mind wandered about the call with her father from earlier while Alex thought about her. Majesty wanted to simply run away from all of her problems, while Alex wanted to just stay in her presence for awhile.

"You good?" Alex looked at her in concern. He knew the female he has found himself close to in this short amount of time wasn't acting herself. She nodded her head and kept her eyes locked on his laptop screen. Her fingers move quickly as she desperately tried to finish the conclusion as fast as she could. "Here.." Alex lit a blunt and forced it between her lips.

Majesty took a puff of the backwood and tried to pass it off to Alex. He denied the drug, allowing her to smoke the whole thing herself.

Halfway through the blunt, and now finished with her paper, Majesty felt her heart pounding in her chest.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

She placed her petite hand over her heart that now seemed to be beating faster than normal.

"A-Alex." She stuttered with her eyes barley opened.

Alex gazed over at Majesty, who was now drifting off to sleep. Her dark curls covered half of her face, but even then he thought she still looked beautiful. He'd never tell her that though.

He took the burning blunt from her and decided to finish it himself.

"Twenty thousand." He chuckled lowly, trying to make shapes with the smoke he blew out.

• • •

Sooo you know a little background on Majesty and Alex now.

Finally revealed what Alex does. Thoughts? Were your guesses right?

Questions? Comments?

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