Only You Can Be You

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call me crazy but I am kind of looking forward for the next school year, I guess I missing seeing my friends and annoying the teachers with my colourful hair and many piercings.

(don't get me wrong I am well behaved)

something I am not looking forward to though when I go back is how people will react to the way I look now, I have changed so much over the holidays and look like a completely new person which is both good and bad in some ways.

cutting my hair short, dying it many colours and getting even more piercings... lets just say it is not going to go down too well with the school.

but one of the reasons I do this is to prove to everyone around me that you don't have to look like everyone else to be cool, to show that I am not afraid to stand up for myself and look like myself and not be one of those in your average crowd.

I love looking different as it says  a lot about my charter, I see so many people trying to be one of the massive group I just feel bad for them. yes everyone deserves to dress and act how they please, but some people are just doing it to fit it.

you are not always going to fit in to a place, maybe it because you don't look the part or maybe because you don't act like everyone else.

it doesn't matter who you are, how you look or what you believe.

never change to meet someone else's standards.

only do what makes you feel comfortable and only go to meet your standards.

you don't need to be 'slim' or whatever they think people should be, you don't have to be 'perfect' as they say because there is no such thing.

I know I sound so cliché saying this but its true, believe the people who tell you to be you because you are the only one who can do that. people are made to be different because if we were all the same that would be boring.

I know its hard to find yourself in a world that judges you for what you like, what you look like and sometimes what you believe. some even get bullied and I talk from experience when I say its tough but as soon as you find yourself you can stand tall and no one can tell you other wise.

if you want to like something then more power to you, if you want to dress a certain way then do it no one is going to stop you as long as you are at peace with yourself and you know that's what you want.

be who you want to be don't feel the need to be like everyone else just to fit in,

it doesn't matter your sexuality, your race, your weight height, religion or even how you live and are educated nothing matters as long as you are happy with yourself and you know what you are doing is right for you.

only you can be you, no one else can do that for you and that's something you have to remember.

let me tell you a story that I know all to well.

there was a girl, she looked at everyone around her and noticed how they acted and dressed. they had friends and looked happy. she began to believe if she looked and acted like them that she too could feel happy, but when she tried it didn't turn out right, she was labelled as the 'copy cat' even though they all looked the same.

after some thinking the girl decided to give it a change, she dyed her hair and got a few piercings/ she felt more like herself and even though people look at her oddly and say some unfriendly things she didn't let that get to her instead she grew more confident.

when she did no ones words reached her and she began to inspire people others started falling out of the 'group' and found them selves, the world around her had changed everyone expressed themselves for who they were.

and that's all she ever wanted was to inspire people to be more confident in themselves and in what they do.

so I leave you with that to think about,

you do  not need to be perfect, you don't have to reach anyone else's standards.

make sure you are happy and go ahead have fun with your creative side if that's what you want. you never know you might inspire people to follow in your footsteps and find themselves.

because at the end of the day

Only you can be you.


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