Chapter 17

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Three months later...

Pain, anger, sadness, confusion: those emotions swilred around in my head as I stared down at this week's ration report. "Tate? Tate! Hey are you listening to me?" Rob said suddenly, snapping his fingers directly in front of my face.

"Huh?" I murmured, uninterested.

"Tate? Are you doing alright?" He asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

"I'm going out for a minute."

"If you're going to go see Luna again, don't bother." Something inside me snapped. I jumped up from my chair and snatched the collar of Rob's shirt, pinning him against the wall.

"What was that...beta?" I hissed, spitting out the last word as if it was poison.

"S-sir, it's no use. April hasn't spoken in three months, what makes you think today is going to be any different?"  He said quickly, his hands trembling with each word.

"Sorry..." I mumbled as I slowly released my death grip on his shirt. He returned to his small wooden chair that was across from my own, but I did not sit down. "Tate?"

"I'm still going to see her." I said as a familiar twinge of pain ripped through my chest. She must be thinking about it again... I bolted out my office door as fast as I could, and hurried down the hallway. My eyes scanned the pale green walls until I found the room I was searching for.

My hand paused just above the gold plated door knob, Maybe I should knock? I tapped softly three times on the door. No answer. "April? It's me." I whimpered, for some reason I had hoped today would be different from every other time, of course I was wrong. Suddenly I heard the sound of the knob turning and the sight of my beautiful mate's face greeted me.

"April!" I shouted a little too loudly and squeezed her in a tight bear hug. She stared at me with a blank expression and to my displeasure, pulled away. "Please?" I begged and did my best puppy dog eyes. She let out a soft sigh of annoyance before leading me into her room. I walked in and sat on the edge of her neatly made bed.

She reluctantly sat next to me, not before staring daggers. "April, please at least talk to me." I sighed, my heart yearning to hear her voice once more. She shifted her gaze to a painting on the wall. "Please, I miss you, Tornado misses you, I'm sure Arizona does too." I said gently, picking up her left hand and folding my fingers around hers.

April turned to face me with a sorrowful look. That was it for me, I couldn't help it. I leaned in and pressed my lips softly onto hers. To my surprise she did not pull away. I moved back and looked her in the eyes, "April, please. Let me help." A single tear fell down her cheek as she clung onto me.

"Tate..." She whispered as more tears began to fall. I let out a small sigh of relief and held her close.

Hello Everyone! I have returned to continue this story. I hope you all will enjoy the few next chapters. This chapter was mainly fluff, but I hope to return to regular and longer chapters soon.
That's all for now!

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