Beast Within

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"You have to stay away from me," I told the beautiful boy in front of me. "We can't be together."

"Why?" He whimpered. "Vic, I love you..."

"I know, and I love you too. But I can't be with you, not when I know what I'm capable of."

"Please don't leave me," he whispered, his blue-green eyes watering. "I need you so much, please don't leave me."

"Darling, all I'm gonna do is hurt you.."

I woke up from the dream, feeling the ache of heartbreak in my chest. I didn't know why I was having this dream, and I didn't know who the boy was. All I could remember was the color of his blue-green eyes...

Whatever, I thought as I got ready for school. It probably wasn't important anyway.

Beast Within*Kellic*Where stories live. Discover now