A's for your Q's

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So some of you asked me some questions and now I'm gonna answer them

Because that's how Q and As work

@OdalysCaylen asks: Internet Friends?

Well, I'm not sure if you're asking if I have any or if you want to be Internet friends with me, but the answers to both those questions is yes.

X__xfangirlx__X asks: What is your favorite memory from choir? What was your favorite performance? Who was your favorite child?

For those of you who don't know, I'm in my schools choir. And to answer your questions, Vic, my favorite memory was when we all messed up Flores's hair before we went on stage for the final performance. My favorite performance was the final Open Call performance. And I don't know who my favorite child was. You were all pretty problematic.

@teabrooks asks: What grade are you in?

I'm going into 8th grade this year

@MikaylaG23 asks: How old are you? Have you met one of the boys? Do any of them follow you on social media?

I'm 13 years old, such a smol bean, I know. And nope, the boys aren't aware of my existence in any way.

@PeteWeuntz asks: Did you wish you were in that bathroom with ash?

Maybe lowkey....

@Rena234 asks: Why are you so awesome? And can I get some of that awesomeness of yours?

I don't know, this awesomeness is a natural talent I guess. 😂 And sure, take some awesomeness.
*hands you awesomeness*

Thanks so much for your questions guys! I hope you enjoyed this and got to get to know me a bit better!

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