2 girl friends?

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Jacob gets up at like a hour to do something, but he came back and we cuddled, I fell asleep in his arm and woke up with his arm around me, I get up and take a shower Jacobs still sleeping, time Gos by and he's still sleeping and its 12:00pm now I go and wake him up but he's not in his bed.
I jumped Jacob grabed my hips, and laughed so hard! My heart was racing!
He was wearing the red sweatshirt and some joggers, I just wore Caroline's old crop top and some joggers to😊
"Jacob!" I say
"oh my mom and dad are gone again for a week but my neighbor will be checking on us."
"Why" I asked
"oh there in Paris"
In nodded and walked down stairs Jacob followed, I sat on the spot he kissed me in and he sat on the spot I kissed him in.
"Maddie um... My girl friend is coming over😅 listen I no I kissed u I was just really tired."
I stared at him.. He kissed me, and hugged me! 😤 "ok, is it Luna"
"Ok" I said
She knocked on the door and Jacob kissed her. I smiled at her and walked out the door and went to find mark, he was walking
"Hey mark!"
"Huh? Oh hey Maddie"
"Um wanna go out" I said I really didn't want go but ya.
"Ya!" Mark says
"Ok good! Let's go to my house!" I grab his hand and walk in Jacobs house. I looked at Jacob and said hey mind if my BOY FREIND hangs out here?😊"
Jacob looks mad really mad,
"Um.. Ya" he said
I take mark and kiss him on the lips and close the door.
"Ok" I smiled at Jacob Luna was balling mark.
"Maddie we need to talk now!" Jacob yelled
I ran down the stairs relieved from getting away from mark.
"Maddie what's Mark doing here!?"
"He's my boyfriend." I smiled
"why is Luna here?" I asked
"she's my girlfriend"
"Exactly" I said and ran up the stairs
"Mark u need to leave"
We get downstairs I open the door Jacob just staring at both of us, I look over to him and tongue kiss Mark. Luna storms out Mark follows Luna and Jacob runs upstairs

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