Pt. 1 (Flirting With Some Danger)

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|Nothing Like Us|

"Justin, I just..." I blew out some air hopelessly, "I can't be with you."

He stood there silently, looking from me to the wall behind me, then back to me again. Oh my gosh, his eyes looked so perfect right now! I didn't understand how I controlled myself so well sometimes.

"But why?" He asked, his voice quiet.

"Because, I don't wanna just be another name on the list! I wanna be..." I struggled for the right words, "The girl you take home to your mom. Or, the girl you're too attached to to go to a club. Or the girl you know you'd give up the world for, even if it meant losing all your fame in the process. I don't wanna be anyone's rebound."

"You're not!"

"Then prove it! If I'm so important, show me."

Justin stepped back slightly, biting his lip as he looked down at his new red Pumas.

"How?" He asks quietly.

"Make me an actual priority."

I walk back into the pumping club and rejoin my group of friends. My friend Cassie asks what's wrong since my mood change is obvious.

"Nothing, just had to do some re-touching." I say with a weak smile.

The night goes on, I don't see Justin again (I assume he left) and I finally head home. I really blasted out my brains for the last bit, Cassie has to practically drag me inside to my couch! I don't remember much except her last few words.

"Some people said they saw Justin Bieber outside...said he was with some girl."

I make a moaning "I'm-Really-Tired-Don't-Bug-Me" noise, but she goes on.

"But they also said he left around 11:30...right when you came back to the table."

My plan of avoiding Cassie's probing, unasked questions isn't going so well. I suppose being slightly intoxicated helps though.

She eventually leaves and I am once again left to my own devises. I make my way up to my bed, one wobbling footstep at a time, then strip down to my underwear and slip on a white Batman muscle tank. Good enough for tonight. I crash the second my head hits the pillow and don't hear another sound till morning.


Next morning, a lovely hangover greets me. Searing headache and dull haze combined, not so welcoming. It's worse since I didn't think of closing the blinds before I went to bed so the sun is bright and beaming through my wall of windows. I wince at the sun and scowl into my pillows.

Eventually I'm able to get up and walk down to the kitchen. I stand at the fridge for a good minute or so, but don't get anything out. Strawberry PopTarts become my best friend in about ten minutes. Then I turn on the tv to get my gossip fix from E! News.

Wouldn't you know it, I am the main story...again. For their latest new update, there're pics of me and "The Biebs" outside the club last night, then him leaving. They wanna know why I was there and with him...good question, Guiliana Rancic. I could ask myself the same question. After I've finished two packs of PopTarts, I decide to take a shower to hopefully rinse out any negative thoughts about last night and Justin from my head. Or just negative thoughts. Or just thoughts about Justin. Or just Justin in general. I wish I could hit the erase button on the file in my brain marked "Justin Bieber". I don't despise him, but after last night, we may never be the same again.


An hour and a good long, hot shower later, I've emerged from the bathroom rejuvenated and slightly happier. The headache seems to be going pretty strong still, so I take some Ibuprofen and hope that'll help. I check my phone for the first time this morning.

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