Rant #5: Getting Blamed For Something I Didn't Do.

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I hate dish. >:(

So my cousin found this peice of paper that had 'bad words' ( she's like four so think about what a bad word is to her) and my aunt blames me. I didn't do it. Does this sound like anything anybody else has delt with? Being blamed for something you didn't do is so infuriating!!!! It's just that I can't stand to have other people think that I did something wrong but I know better than to do it. We don't even know what these so called 'bad words' are. So don't go blaming me outta the blue! If you don't have solid evidence that I did the deed then DON'T BLAME ME!!!!!! If you've ever been blamed for something you didn't do, let me know and we can talk about it. Yep so that's it.

I've been needing a reason to rant.

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