Rant #3: Grammar Stuffs

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I'm bored and need something to rant about. I hate weekends.

I HATE it when people write with poor grammar. I'm sure lots of people do too. When people use sentences like, He not know where she is, I have to compose myself and not punch the computer. The sentences are so bad. And when people talk like this too, it's infuriating. Their like, WHY YOU NO LIKE HOW I TALK? and I'm like, WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND DO WORK? Those people piss me off. I'm not hating on other people's stories I'm just putting this out there. I don't have time to listen to people to rant. I can just think of something I HATE, then rant about it. My life has taught me that people who don't talk with correct grammar, aren't worth my time. I'm SORRY if you talk like this but I just don't care for it. SO, that is it.

That was bad. Again, I hate weekends.

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