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Tofu's POV
'OMFG I CANT BELIEVE I'M WITH JINWOO', are the words that repeated in my head while I was in the coffee shop with him. Since Astro had a vacation at Jeju island, Jinwoo and I were going to bathe in the sun and it's beautiful beach. As we arrived, not many people were there. The waves crashed softly onto the sand. 'Ahh, relaxing', I thought. The temperature was perfect also. The white, delicate sand under our feet felt pleasing. I put a shade tent with the help of Jinwoo along with the chairs. 'Let's go!' screamed unpatiently Jinwoo. We ran into the bright, blue water even though it was pretty hard to run on sand. 'SLASH!' the water went everywhere as we jumped in. 'Until over there' I said pointing. 'Ok, but i'll surly win' Jinwoo declared. ' Hm, ok we'll see' I remarked. I obviously won that swimming race, and needless to say that Jinwoo looks hot asf with wet hair. We had many swimming races and as unforgettable memories together. We took a rest on our beach chairs, enjoying of eachother. 'I really like you' Jinwoo said. My cheeks suddenly turned red. As Jinwoo saw me, he chuckled. 'I really like you too' I replied. At that moment I felt a spark in me.

Hope you liked this chapter~

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