chp 1

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Clara's pov;

My besties Lea and Will woke me up today with a cake in their hand. It's not my birthday or anything so don't worry.

"Uhmm guys, it's not my birthday" I said giggling.

"Well, since you've hit 2 million subscribers on YouTube last night we thought that we could celebrate?¿" Lea said in a questioning tone.

I obviously didn't know so I thought this is some type of prank. I stare at them for 5 seconds with a poker face before opening my iPad.

In fact, it says right under my name, 2 million subscribers!! I started screaming and jumping around making Lea and Will do the same. I decided to blow the candles on the top of the cake because why the hell not.

After I calmed down, we went downstairs to eat breakfast (a.k.a. the cake). I know it's not healthy having cake for breakfast but I'm celebrating, and I'm starting my day with a delicious chocolate cake. My favorite.

"Hmmm I would marry this chocolate cake" I say sitting down on the couch next to Will, Lea is on the other side of him. 

"I would too, if I didn't want to eat it" Lea said in a daa tone having me nod in agreement. Because let's face it, chocolate cake is sooo good. Though it's my favorite, it's not my top favorite. My top favorite are chocolate ice cream cake, the one you can find at DQ. If you wanna win me over, get me those.

After finishing my cake, I decided to post a video on my social medias to thank my fans of course. I start with snapchat, then Instagram, no one really uses Facebook but I post my excitement there, and last but the most important is YouTube. I filmed a 10 minutes video answering questions, follow spree, reading comments, and all of that fun stuff. After editing the video, I post it.

That's basically what my day consist of. Right now I'm getting ready to go out for dinner with Lea, Will, and Lea's boyfriend Seth. Lea and Seth have been dating for 2 years now. I work with him, not YouTube involved but photography. Me and him basically take "artsy" pictures and we get paid thousands of dollars. It's an amazing job actually.

Looking through my dresses, I find a black dress. It's just above my knees. My belly button is covered but you can see the sides of my stomach. You can also see my back but it's not a too fancy dress. It's actually one of my favorite black dress.

For my make-up, I go for the natural look. Mascara, a bit of eyeliner, foundation, I fix my eyebrows, and then I finish the look with a light pink lipstick.

I put on a bracelet to match my out fit. Also a purse to put my belongings in, then I decided to wear my black heals I got for my birthday. I'm all set!

I make sure I have my keys before leaving my apartment, now I'm off to my little celebration dinner with my friends.


I know that first chapter is boring. Sorry.
It'll get exciting though because Harry's pov will be up next.
And no it won't be those books that alternates the characters pov for every chapter. It'll change povs here and there though.

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love love xoxo

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