you | s. koushi

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You and Suga are moirails, soulmates but in a non-romantic way. You can't live without each other.

Requested by: IHaveRinnegan82

Gender-neutral pronouns

I couldn't imagine a life without you.

You were something that completed everything, you were that person who brought light in my darkest hours, you were the one who helped me find my purpose in life.

It was you, it was always you.

I know you cannot imagine a life without me, either.

I was someone who picked up pieces of you when you broke down easily under the weight of frustration. I was the one who caught every star for you to wish upon.

We cannot live without each other.

We're two parts of a whole, bonded together. Where one feels incomplete without the other, where one feels complete with the other.

We were moirails.

I was glad to live every single day with you as my moirail. I couldn't imagine a life without you as my moirail, it wasn't feasible enough for me to believe.

There was a day that I felt lucky to have you as my moirail.

"It'll be alright, Koushi."

Your voice comforts me in every way. Every tone was warm, rich and soothing. I loved the way it comforted me, how your voice was enough for me to forget my worries.

You dried my tears with your small fingers, gently running against my skin to wipe away the liquid sorrow cascading on my cheeks.

"It'll all be alright."

You didn't ask the reason of my tears. You didn't ask anything at all. The moment my tears fell, you knew that I wasn't okay.

You always knew the right words to say, the right things to do.

You always knew.

By the time you made all my tears disappear, I was alright.

I took you to see the stars one April evening.

You always cherished the view of stars across the noir. It painted endless pictures, patterns and wishes for you to behold. Your eyes always twinkled like the stars as you saw them, and I was glad to see you smile.

Together with the stars, were the seasonal cherry blossom petals that waltzed with the breeze. You danced around like a child the moment you saw them, twirling in the fields. You resembled a fairy back then, and I smiled at you and your childish antics.

Nevertheless, I liked it. I liked seeing you smile and dance like a little child. I liked seeing you happy.

Your happiness is also mine.
You took me to see the stars one December evening. It was in the same spot we spent everything with. I was elated when you approached me in class that morning, when you invited me to see the stars.

You told me how was your day, from the first hour of your morning, to how you felt in this evening.

I missed this. I missed talking to you, watching the stars with you. These past days you were too preoccupied to spend time with me.

You were always too preoccupied with him.

Everything went smoothly until you mentioned his name. Mentioned everything about him. How he was amazingly talented, how he captured your heart with a smile, how he was perfect in every way possible.

And, of course, you never failed to mention how you love each other.

For some reason, I was uncomfortable with the fact that he was stealing you away from me. I was uncomfortable with the fact that you were spending more time with him rather than me. I was uncomfortable with seeing you happy with someone else.

"Love is such a beautiful thing, right?" I said.

You smiled, your eyes twinkling like the stars. It was a smile I continue to cherish, even if I'm not the reason behind it.

"Koushi, do you love someone?" you said, out of the blue.

Tears dropped unconsciously on my cheeks. I hastily tried to wipe them away, in fear that you might see them.

This was the first time that I hid away my tears from you.

Still, you noticed my tears.

You wiped them away gently, like the time I cried unexpectedly in front of you. You said those words again, those comforting words that give me assurance.

I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wasting this precious evening with my tears.

I'm sorry for being your moirail.

I'm sorry for loving you.

I loved you from the very start. I loved you since the day you told me that I was your moirail. I loved you since you smiled under the celestial wonder of the stars.

Even when you love someone else, even if you don't regard me as a lover, I will and always love you.

Even if it breaks my heart to pieces.

It was you, always you.

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