Chapter 13

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Naruto got up from the Hokage mountain and body flickered  to his apartment to go to sleep. As he went to his bed, he thought I should spar with Kakashi and  spar with Jiraiya , the Ero- Sennin.

                                                The Next Morning           

     Sunlight streamed through the window. Naruto then went to the Akimichi's BBQ  to go to eat breakfast.  When Naruto got there, Team 10 was already there eating breakfast. In order to not get sabatoged from the waiters and waitresses, Naruto transformed into a man with brown hair, and golden eyes. Naruto ordered sushi with extra seaweed, one bowl of miso ramen and some beef.  After he ate his food he started to follow Team 10. When Team 10 reached the training grounds, Asuma threw shurikens and kunai at the bush Naruto was hiding at. Naruto then tranformed into Kakashi, put and S rank genjutsu on team 10 an used his wind chakra to blow the weapons away.  Naruto knew that when Kakashi faced Asuma, He had to sometimes use the sharingan and end it so Naruto closed one of his eyes and used the sharingan.  Ino Choji and Shikamaru were curious of how the deisign of the sharingan looked so they looked at his eye. When they locked with eye contact, Naruto said, "Sharingan : Genjutsu.'' And with that Ino Choji and Shikamaru passed out from the spinning tomoes on the Sharingan. Then Naruto
 said, '' I have to leave. Bye Asuma.''  After that, Naruto ran back to Kakshi's house to spar with him.

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