+ the 26 with the cake on the beach +

Start from the beginning

"I could easily pull each of you individuals aside and tell you what we've learned or how I feel, because right now everyone is one hot mess. But because I'm so done with this stupid lying and backstabbing game, I'm going to share what I have to say with everyone."

"Trent," I said. He lifted his head, a glimmer in his eyes as I called his name. "You lied. You lied to us all. You knew this was going to happen."

The glimmer in his eyes flashed and people close by squinted and covered their eyes. Jessus, it was like a Coldgate commercial. "Except the wings. I didn't think you and Roger would get...special wings," he admitted.

"Did you hear that everyone?" Roger hollered.

"We're literally right here," my mom mumbled.

"Trent wanted change," I explained. "So he purposefully planned the rumour of the beasts returning to our world and made sure Archer was sent to find me. In order to change the hierarchy of species, the beasts of all three races; Heroes, Citizens and Villains, must fight to the death for power. He made sure all three of us were together and that I would defeat the Beast of Villains; he purposefully put me up against Roger so I could destroy him and put The Beast of Citizens again the Beast of Heroes."

A hush of murmurs and gasps passed over the crowd and Trent simply shrugged. "You figured it out, dummy gummy. Took you long enough."

I narrowed my brows. "If I didn't have single moral sense in my body, I'd rip your throat apart right now."

"But she won't," Roger piped in, horrified faces already rising.

"And mom." I turned to the woman who supposedly gave birth to me (at this rate, I couldn't trust anyone and people were clearly not who they said they were). "You want heroes to continue ruling because you feel villains and citizens are not fit. You wanted me to win this fight and keep the heroes on their throne. Makes sense."

"I ain't the craziest one here, 'kay? I'm speaking from tradition," she replied, and took another step back.

"Archer." I faced my torso to the young man who started it all. "You survived that attack after killing me. I dissolved into flames and the rest of the lava submerged into the ground. You were alive. Technically, if we play by the rules, the Citizens won and they should officially be crowned as rulers."

People shuffled to the side a bit, a wave of concern hitting everyone.

"But." I paused and took in the hundreds of eyes that held onto every word. "The Citizens aren't going to rule. Because we're going to form a fucking council like the Citizens did back in the hay day."

"Did you have to use the f word?" my mother grumbled.

Roger smiled. "So you did pay attention in human history class."

"All three races should be able to have their own say in what goes on," I declared.

A preachy vibe started to roll in my body. "We should rebuild our world into a democracy! Members from each race will represent their people and we will vote on what happens next in order to come to terms."

"You're being ridiculous. The Citizens won!" That glimmer faded in Trent's eyes and he advanced a step. "It's tradition."

I raised a brow and took another step, wind shooting up his purple hair. "I'm sure no one here wants a ruler that will lie to the people closest to him."

"I did it for the right cause!"

"How do we know you won't rule these lands like the Heroes do? And put all other species below you to avenge how your ancestors were treated?"

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