Hatsune Miku X Fem!Reader

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-Things you need to know-

(Y/N)-First name

(L/N)-Last name

(H/C)-Hair Color

(H/L)-Hair Length

(E/C)-Eye Color

(F/C)-Fav. Color

(2/F/C)-2nd fav. color


--Your POV--

Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I attend Vocoloid High! I'm a freshman in high school, and a bit of a short potato. (Just pretend you're short, ok?) I'm in high school, but I'm only 4'11. Everyone at this school has heard about the "Prodigy Student", Hatsune Miku. I've never heard her voice before, but it's supposed to be angelic. I was just walking around, my keychains on my bag clinking. I heard a piano playing, and someone singing.

I opened the door, to find Hatsune Miku sitting at the piano, Her hair floating as she played, her hands gently touching the keys. She was truly an angel. I felt my face heat up as finished, and turned to me. "Are you lost, by any chance? I can try and help you to your class." She spoke softly. "U-u-m.... no... I just heard you playing, and I wanted to listen." I replied. "You have a real sense for music. I could hear you tapping to the tempo." Miku said. "Thank you, Miku-Senpai!" I smiled. "Senpai?" She asked. "Well, since you're 2 years older than me, it's only respectful to call you senpai." I replied.  "Do you want to help me write some music? You seem to have the right type of talent for the job." She asked. "Y-yes! I would love to!" I stuttered slightly. "Ok. Come back here tomorrow at this time, and we'll start writing together, ok?" Miku said. I ran up to her, and hugged her. "Sorry! I just wanted to thank you, for... accepting me. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, with a wave.


It's been about a month since Miku and I started working together. I've started to....get... this feeling... whenever I'm around her. It feels like... I just want to kiss and hug the heck out of her. I can't go through writing music with her without feeling like my face is going to explode. She's asked whether I was feeling alright or anything, but I just shrugged it off, and continued on. I think I l-l-l-love her.....


I've decided! I'll tell her today. I don't care that she might reject me, but whatever!

I'm ready to take on anything that comes my way today. It was about time for practice, so I headed towards the band room we were practicing in. Miku was already there, and she was ready for our practice. "Hey Miku!" I said as I was coming in band room. "Hey (Y/N)-Chan!" She responded, with a smile. Oh god... that smile... I have to tell her now. "Miku-Chan, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." I said, my face lighting up. "Go ahead, (Y/N)-Chan!" The blue haired girl spoke. "I-I-I-I.... [Damnit stop studdering..] I love you!" I blurted out. Miku was trying to cover her blushing face... which was adorable. "I love you too... I have since the first day you came in the door.... with your (H/L), (H/C)... and those bright (E/c) eyes... I just fell in love with you." I couldn't take the gap in between us, so I kissed her. her lips on mine, just us. "So... are we a thing?" I asked. "Yes." She said as she pulled me in for another kiss.


Awwwww =3 Cute! This one-shot was 600 words, and adorable.The next Vocoloid is Luka then Len! Bye Guys!

-Kat #02 

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