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More and more kids were flooding the food court, screaming and yelling. The only problem was Josh and I weren't there. Security here didn't really like the idea of us crowding people in for a surprise meet and greet. We went outside and the kids followed, we met with every one of them and it was an indescribable feeling. After we sat there for awhile in the car listening to music, my eyes grew wide and I remembered I haven't checked my phone in hours.

You see, I need my phone like a dog has the need to steal your food when you walk away for two seconds. I need to have contact with people. Unless I'm upset. When I'm in any mood other than neutral I don't want anyone to talk to me. I don't want to eat. I don't want to sleep. I don't want anything. I don't want to even move any muscle in my body. But like I said, that's when I'm in some other mood. Right now I'm pretty plain feeling, so I feel this strong weight on my chest telling me to check the device in my pocket.

I had four unread messages, one from my ex girlfriend Jenna, and three from Alex.

Jenna: hey I saw you at the mall earlier but didn't want to bring you down, hope you're doing well!

I quickly exited the conversation without responding. I rolled my eyes and clicked on Alex's messages which just consisted of her saying my name repetitively.

Me: Hey sorry! I got distracted and forgot to check my messages. What's up?

Alex: That's okay. I'm just eating quick, what about you?

Me: On my way back home. Whatcha eating

Alex: Captain crunch mixed with cinnamon toast crunch

Me: that sounds disgusting

Alex: it's good!!!

Me: prove it!

Alex: I'll have to make it for you sometime then.

Me: well aren't you just a chef, mixing cereal together.

A few minutes passed and there was no response so I turned my attention out the window and watched the trees rustling in the wind.

My Name's BlurryfaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon