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"Now I know, that I can't make you stay, so where's your heart, so where's...." I was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. Josh and Gray looked at me for a second before continuing to sing with the song they had chosen for the beginning of the ride. Which happened to be on the two hour long playlist we had constructed that would last us the entire drive. Oh, right! My phone!

Unknown Number: Hai, it's Alex. you told me to text you so I did. Hello peasant.

I chuckle at the words on the screen before getting really confused and realizing the situation that has unfolded.

Me: Hi Alex, so, this might be surprisingly, but I'm actually not a peasant. I'm Tyler, I think you have the wrong number.

Unknown Number: Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry! No you're not a peasant!!

Me: You sure? I'm totally cool with being a peasant.

I'm not sure why I did it, but I assigned this mystery person a contact.

Alex: Well, you can be a peasant if you want.

Me: Deal!

Alex: I'm really sorry btw. I completely thought he gave me his real number. Not some random persons cx

Me: It's alright, I find you interesting.

I look up to see Josh glaring at me in the rearview mirror. "What are you smiling at?" He asks, sending a chuckle out with his words. It was then that I realized I had a wide smile plastered on my face. I also realized that for the past twenty minutes I had been laughing. But not normal laughing. I've been laughing maniacally. It probably sounded like I was having a stroke, not enjoying something. Good one, Tyler. Mamas definitely proud.

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