Chapter 2

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"Now, the rules you have to follow..."
"1. No back talking. If I tell you to do something, you do it
2. Don't try to escape, even if we go outside. It's a privilege to get to go out there.
3. Be respectful to everyone.
4. If we're doing something and it becomes too much, tell me. I might ease up a little.
5. Call me Master or Sir. I will tell you what else you can call me later."
He rubbed my hair as he finished his rules. "I'm sure you won't give me any trouble. You're a good boy. Now, since I'm a being of pure magic, I've created rooms such as this one. I'll take you to our room." He got up and pulled me up with him. A chain appeared again as I started to follow him.
The room was huge, with a kind sized bed, a wardrobe, a bathroom and sitting room attached, a desk, a bookshelf, and a large chest. "Pine Tree, take off your shirt and go lay on the bed." When the chain was gone, I removed my shirt and laid on my stomach. Bill was digging through the chest, although I couldn't see the things he was grabbing. I caught a glimpse of a pair of handcuffs and then some sort of whip with nine separate things.
"Pine Tree, calm down. Your shaking." Bill came over to me with a basket of items. I willed myself to still. "I haven't used this body in years. It's feeling a little frisky, and you in that underwear doesn't help." Oh my gosh, he expects me to have sex with him! "I'll go easy, since you're still a virgin. These are just a few toys I like to play with my pets with. Good pets get good toys, bad pets get the bad toys. You've been a good pet, so you get good toys."
He pulled my underwear down and began rubbing my butt. "Relax. You aren't going to lose your virginity today. I'm just going to play with your body." I could feel my heart speed up. I relaxed my body. He poured some sort of liquid on two of his fingers and shoved them into my hole. "Ahh!" I yelped. He only chuckled as he began to scissor me. "Easy, Pine Tree. You'll get some pleasure soon." He pulled out after two minutes and pulled out some kinda belt and a vibrator.
"I'm going to put this in you and this will help you not cum until I tell you too. Just relax." He kissed my hand before gently pushing the vibrator inside me. Once the belt was on correctly, he turned on the vibrator with a remote. Pleasure shot through my body. "Ahh, mmm." I moaned, biting my lip. Bill just laughed. "Just moan. You're allowed to." He turned it up to the highest setting. I felt I was hard, but unable to release. Bill turned my body to where my face was in his crotch.
He pulled his pants and underwear down, revealing his nine inch member. His hand gently guided my mouth to the tip. "Open up. It's okay, you're fine." I opened my mouth, allowing him to slid inside. I gagged, but took it fine. I've watched porn before, so I've seen how the woman do this. I pulled back, licking from the base up, sucking sometimes and other times nipping gently. "Ahh, fuck Pine Tree." Bill moaned. His grip on my hair tightened as he shoved back into my mouth. After fucking my mouth, he came, a lot.
"Swallow it all. You never know if that is the only thing you'll eat for a while." He pulled out once he finished, closing my mouth and bending down to look at me. His cum was salty, but not too unpleasant. I swallowed it, licking the little bit that was on my lips. "That was wonderful, Pine Tree. Let me get the belt off of you, but wait to cum." He unbuckled the belt and pulled it off of me. The vibrator slipped out of me, making it slightly easier to hold my cum in. "Please, let me cum." I whimpered. "Give me a kiss and you can." Bill tilted up my chin, looking me in the eyes. I puckered my lips, unsure what to do.
"You haven't kissed anyone, have you?" He chuckled. I shook my head. He put his lips against mine, biting my bottom lip harshly. "Ahh!" I moaned and yelped in pain. He licked the blood off of his and my lips. "You can cum." And with those words, I came harder than I've ever have. "You must be tired, but you need to get clean. Let's go take a shower." He lifted me off the bed and took me to the bathroom. He pulled off his shirt, jacket, hat, and eyepatch, then pulling my panties off fully.
The shower was warm, but it stung my cuts. Bill rubbed shampoo and conditioner in my hair, then rubbing my body with a bar of soap. After he finished himself, he snapped us dry and in pajamas in the bedroom. Well, yellow pajamas for him, black panties and pink lingerie. "Come get in bed, Pine Tree." Bill had already slipped in bed, with clean sheets of course, and was patting the spot next to him. I crawled next to him. "You've been good, Pine Tree. As long as you behave, I'll be nice like this. If you weren't good, you probably would be sleeping chained to a post outside naked for my demons to anything to." I shivered at his words.
"Go to sleep, Pine Tree. I don't sleep, but I'll lay here with you." He spooned me, burying his face in my neck. "Yes, sir." I mumbled. He smiled before kissing my neck, making me fall fast asleep.

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