Chapter 19: Midnight Escaped

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"Dick." I whispered as I pushed his shoulder gently, he was asleep and today was his birthday, or at least it will be when midnight strikes.

"Ercy?" Dick asked groggily, "What's wrong?" he asked sounded much more alert as he perked up.

"Nothing. Promise. But I want to do something with you. Get dressed." I said tossing him a backpack.

"Why?" Dick asked suspiciously even though he was doing what I requested.

"It's a surprise, my present to you for your birthday, well part. Now come on." I said bouncing in on his bed slightly as I checked my watch.

"Does Bruce know about this?" Dick asked and narrowed his eyes as he threw on a shirt, "Is this about the fight yesterday that you wouldn't tell me about."

"You're going to ruin the surprise. Now come on." I said pushing open the window.

"That should be locked and alarmed." Dick said narrowing his eyes, "Percy! Get back in here." he hissed as I started to climb down slowly, he soon was following me, the backpack I tossed him earlier on his back.

"Come on, I left Bruce and Alfred a note. But this is my birthday tradition to you." I said grabbing Dick's hand when he reached the bottom.

"Where are we going?" Dick asked folding his arms and standing still.

"Please trust me, nowhere bad. I promise." I said desperately hoping the camera hadn't spotted us yet.

"Fine." Dick huffed and ducked behind a bush when I did it, slowly we escaped the supposed locked manor and started down the long stretch of road toward Gotham.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" Dick asked after a few moments of walking in silence.

I bit my lip and decided to give a hint, "Okay, but please don't tell Bruce later. We're going to that abandoned carnival. The newer one not the old one." I said and saw Dick hesitate, "Please don't tell Bruce right now, I will let you decide after if you want to keep this between you and me. But please not right now." I pleaded and saw Dick cave.

"Alright, but it better be a good tradition." Dick said and followed me as we sped up toward our destination.

"My mom and I would do it, well something similar." I said and saw Dick face soften.

"I'm sure I'll like it then." he said giving me a soft smile before putting his arm around me as we continued to walk.

In no time, and the bus, we were at the newly discarded carnival, "The last time we were here you got kidnapped by the Joker. The first time I mean." Dick mumbled as I went to the electric box for the Ferris Wheel.

As I clicked two wires together the lights on the wheel light up and started to move, "I thought you hated this." Dick asked confused when I pressed a button that I produced from my pocket and the wheel stopped moving.

"I hate it when there isn't someone I trust with my life there." I mumbled embarrassed. My cheeks grew more red when I felt Dick give me a one arm hug and I could practically feel the beaming smile he was giving me.

"So, now that we're here and about to go up. What's the plan?" Dick asked as I opened one of the better looking carriers, I worked on it before this day making sure I wouldn't fall out of this deathtrap.

"We are watching the sunrise while eating some sandwiches I made for food. Once we are done, we are then going to go to this group of trees and putting our names on one and a tally." I stated as the pushed the button again so the wheel started to move.

"You really thought this out didn't you?" Dick asked as we settled on the top, I opened the backpack I had to produce drinks, "Food is in your bag." I said and watched as Dick carefully get the food out.

We started to talk about boring stuff as we munch on the food and drinks lightly, "You know I see you like a brother right, not just a cousin but a brother." I mumbled shyly and ducked my head.

I felt even more embarrassed when Dick put his arm around me beaming, "Brothers." he said holding out his hand for a shake, like a promise.

"Brothers." I said smiling while I shook his hand. Just as we removed out hands from the shaking, my watched beeped, "Happy birthday bro." I said and saw Dick beaming.

"Happy birthday to me." He muttered to himself as the sun slowly rose up.

"How much trouble do you think we'll be in?" I asked Dick as the sun slowly rose.

"A lot, we are going to be in a lot of trouble." Dick said but he didn't sound like he regretted it.

"Come on, let's go mark this day down." I said and with Dick's consent, pressed the button and once on the ground showed him the tree that would serve as our reminder each year.

"Do you know what Bruce is going to get you?" I asked remembering my birthday, the small party where I didn't get a lot of useless presents but instead things I really did want.

"I don't know about present wise, but he did say something that he wanted to talk to me about the sidekicks, or partners. He didn't say much about it." Dick said a bit awkward knowing I wasn't a said partner.

"I'm sure everything is going to be fine." I said giving him a bright smile, while I have powers and come from a line of heroes, I wasn't going to be one in a long, long time.

"Let's go back before Bruce finds us and ruins this spot." Dick said giving me a soft smile when my face lit up.

"So we aren't telling him about this?" I questioned my face still having a smile on it like I knew the answer.

"What can I say, this is our spot." Dick said grinning and slung his arm around me, "let's go home." he said and I joyfully followed my brother.

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