Chapter Eight-Twenty Questions?

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Angela's POV

I sit down in the chair and lean forward onto the table. Dean sits across from me and leans back in his chair, seemingly relaxed. But I see differently. Every muscle in his body is taut and his eyes are filled with unspoken thoughts. I stare at him openly and wait. After a while of silence I just have to break it.

"So? What do you want to know, Green Eyes?" I ask and then he looks at me.

"Why're you doin this? Helpin two perfect strangers. What's in it for you? Because believe me, I've been around, people don't just do somethin like this for nothin." He asks, his gaze searching and confused.

I blink once in shock and struggle to absorb what he just asked. 'Why am I doing this?' I am in a motel alone with two men I don't know, I got into a car and left mine at a bar, so now I have no way to get away. I killed someone...or something...for these men. Why?

"Well, I...I couldn't just do nothing, I needed help. I had to help you." His gaze is still questioning and now is also hard, as if he's unwilling to believe what I'm saying.

"But why did you have to help?" He drops the relaxed act and leans forward with his elbows on the small square table. I look down for a moment to think of my answer and decide to be brutally honest. I think that's the only way to earn his trust.

"Look," I meet his green eyes and try to make honesty apparent in my voice, "I told you I've been dreaming about you, the both of you, but I didn't tell you what happened in the dreams." He didn't move and his expression didn't change so I took that as my cue to keep going.

"It happened almost exactly like tonight, with one major difference..." I hesitate slightly and bite my lip. I look down at the table and think about the gentlest way to break it to him. But after a moment of silence his clasped hands hit the table, startling me, and he says,

"Well?" I look back up at him and meet his eyes. I open my mouth to answer but am saved from having to by a groan coming from his younger brother. I look at Dean with an apologetic look and rush over to the man slumped on the floor.

"Sam?" I ask as I land on my knees next to him. I put a gentle hand on his healthy shoulder and shake slightly. "Sam, can you hear me?" He starts to shift around and his groans become louder.

"Sammy?" Dean asks once and Sam answers,

"Dean?" Dean immediately comes over and kneels down on Sam's other side.

"Yeah Sammy, how ya feelin?" Finally Sam opens up his eyes and looks at his brother.

"I feel like crap." He says and Dean chuckles.

"Yeah well you look like it too." Dean says then they both laugh lightly.

"Shut up." Sam says. I sit back and relax while watching the two brothers. Sam catches the movement and looks at me. He studies me for a moment then speaks, "You're that girl from earlier." I laugh and nod. I hold out a hand to shake but he looks at it apprehensively. Then he looks at Dean.

I lower my hand and stand then step back once. I understand his reluctance to not trust me. Dean looks down with a sigh and says while rubbing his eyes,

"That's Angela, she stitched up your arm Sammy." Sam checks out his arm then looks at Dean with an expression full of total surprise.


"She's good. Alright, Sam?" After that Dean meets Sam's eyes and Sam stops trying to argue. Well, at least I have the minimum amount of approval that can be earned from Green Eyes. Sam puts a hand on the bed behind him and lifts himself onto it. Dean's hands are on his shoulders immediately to steady him. "Easy there, you took a hell of a hit."

Sam blinks twice and wipes a hand over his face, he looks exhausted and his shoulder's stitches aren't the prettiest, but otherwise he looks unscathed. "What the hell happened, Dean?"

Dean stands fully and answers, "Well. That demon we were fighting got the jump on you, knocked you out cold. So I ran over to help, but it got the best of me. He was about to slice my throat open, but Ang here stabbed him first." I grimace slightly at the story. I don't enjoy murdering people, or things, I suppose. Not that I have before.

Sam stands and walks over to where I stand. He holds out a hand like I did and gives me a small smile. I give him a big one in return and shake his hand firmly. His smile grows and he chuckles lightly.

"Guess I owe you a thanks." We let go of each other's hands and I put my thumbs in my pockets.

"Anytime, Long Hair." The name I made for him slips out accidentally but I own it. I give him a wink as well.  Thankfully he laughs and simply flattens his hair.

"Well, it's true." He says with a kind smile.

"Alright, this has been lovely bonding time, but we all need to sleep. So, bed," He points to Sam and then to the bed farthest from the door. "Bed," he points to himself and  the bed near the door. "And couch for you sweetheart." He finishes and gestures to the couch. I blink in shock and say,

"Actually I think I'll be going..." I take a step backwards towards the door. Dean takes a few steps forward and blocks the door shaking his head.

"Until we figure out what's going on," He says with a hushed tone, "you don't leave our sight." He finishes normally and I look at him like he's crazy. I open my mouth to protest but he puts a hand over my mouth. "I don't care. You're staying, that's it." I seriously debate biting him but restrain myself. I glare at him for a few moments and he raises his eyebrows to ask me if I'm going to keep fighting him.

I speak and it comes out muffled because of his hand. He removes it and I speak.

"Fine." He smiles falsely at me and starts to say,

"Gre-" But I happily cut him off.

"But. You have to at least pick up my car." He shakes his head no as Sam nods.

"No deal. You don't need a way to get out of here."

"And go where? My house is twenty  minutes from here." I say and put a hand on my hip. He stares at me, deadpan, and a smile slowly grows on my face. After a few more tense moments of staring he gives in and says,

"Fine! Let's go." He waves a hand at me and stomps out the door, grabbing his coat along the way.

"Geez." I whisper under my breath but walk out after him. I shut the door behind me leaving a very confused Sam standing there. "This outta be a fun ride." I once again whisper as I jog to the passenger side of the impala. As soon as I slip into the leather seat and shut the door, Dean whips out of the parking lot and onto the pitch black pavement.

Looks like the interrogation is going to wait until the next chappy...think Dean is gonna be good cop or bad cop? Is Angela gonna take his attitude? Vote and comment please!! :)

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