Chapter One: A Damn Hollywood Movie

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Hey guys, I'm really, really trying to get into the habit of regularly updating. My life is super hectic right now. I really want to update my two stories, but I also have other responsibilities. Some that I'm not quite fulfilling very well. So, if the updates are not as often, I'll try to make them longer for you. Thanks. Oh, and enjoy! :)


Chapter One: A Damn Hollywood Movie

Aimee’s POV

I slammed my hand down on that stupid alarm clock. I really needed to get a new one. Seriously, what if someone walked into my room and was totally impressed by how bad ass it was, and noticed the Dora alarm clock sticking out like a sore thumb? Bad Ass image going down the drain.

Wait.. Why would I give a fuck what anyone thought anyway? I must be going insane. People thought what they thought. What people said was a completely different matter, and either way, I had learned not to give a shit anymore.

I walked to the bathroom attached and splashed myself with cold water for good measure. I needed a good waking up. I hissed slightly as I put my contacts in. Still wasn’t used to these annoying things. But it was either this or big, huge nerdy glasses that enlarged my eyes to the power of a hundred. 

I blankly went through my daily morning routine– quick shower and blow-dry. I stood in front of my closet, contemplating the outfit of the day. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dress to impress anyone. Except myself. I wasn’t a girly-girly by any means, I just liked to look good. As they say: look good, feel good. 

I grabbed a loose blue peasant blouse and leggings, putting them on. I looked at my shoe rack, searching for my grey leather boots. Not there. I took in a deep breath, rushing out my room and slamming open my sister’s door. 

“CASSIE!” I screamed. She ran out of her washroom, holding her straightening iron. I backed away at the sight. She smirked, waving it around mockingly.

“What do you want?” 

“Where are my grey boots?”

“Oh, I don’t know.. On my feet, you dumbass.” She replied, gesturing to her feet. I glared at her, before turning around, walking back to my room. I didn’t want a fight this early in the morning. I grabbed a pair of white lace-ups and rushed down the stairs.

“Aimee, don’t run down the stairs please.” My dad said sternly, without taking his eyes off his newspaper. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing an apple and my messenger bag. 

“Honey, it will be chilly out today. Grab your pea coat.” My mom called from the kitchen. I groaned a little, before putting on my coat and hurrying out the door before anyone else interrupted me. 

Today was the first day of school, and while my idiotic sisters were going to the normal public high school, I was going to Northern Boarding School for the Gifted. I snorted. Gifted, my ass. If there was one perk to going to this ridiculous elitist school, it was the bragging rights it gave me. I could shove it in my sisters’ faces. They were always my parents’ favourites– the two older twins. They were only one year older than me, but always tried to boss me around. 

“Excuse me?” A voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to the side, and immediately flinched back. A dark-haired asian girl had just gotten up in my face. Her grin faltered the slightest bit, before returning. She held out her hand for me to shake. I looked at it hesitantly, wondering just where it had been before. I tried to work up the nerve to shake it, but thinking of all the germs....

“Hi! I’m Hayley Lin! I haven’t seen you around before!” She chattered, taking her hand back. I smiled wanly back. 

“Aimee Moon.” I replied back shortly. 

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