†Chapter Two†

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  "Who'd want to be friends with you?" Dudley snarled at Harry, I glared at him.
"I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you were a baby, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts." I scoffed and Uncle Vernon turned to me, "Perhaps you should be grateful that we don't treat you like we treat your sister." My eyes widened and I glared at him. Harry looked at me but I refused to meet his gaze.
"Not now, Bopkins. For when the Masons arrive." Aunt Petunia said.
"Which should be any minute! Ahem...Now let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia when the Masons arrive you will be...?"
" ...In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously into our home."
"Good! And- and Dudley, you will be...?"
"I'll be waiting to open the door!"
"Excellent! ...And you two...?"
"I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist." Harry and I said together.
"Too right, you are. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career. And you will not mess it up!"
Uncle Vernon pushed me under the Stairs and locked the door. I sat there for hours studying from the books Harry got me; he would be going back to school soon. I could only wish that Uncle Vernon would let me go too, but I knew it was either Harry or me. After a while there was quiet a bit of commotion then all was quiet.

* * *

"You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!" I heard Uncle Vernon shout the next day as he came back inside. I don't know what Harry had done but it had to be bad and I knew that I would pay for it later.
I banged on the door. "We had a deal Uncle Vernon!" I shouted. There was no answer but I have a bad feeling he heard me. Tomorrow was our birthday, Harry's and mine that is. I ended up falling asleep on my books. I awake to my door being slammed open. Uncle Vernon walked in and grabbed my hair pulling me to the ground before I could respond, I grabbed at his hand and he landed a sharp kick to the side of my face, I could feel it bruising, he lifted me up slamming me against the wall.
"Where did he go!" He shouted.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted back to him tears pricking my eyes; he slapped me hard across the face. He continued to beat me until I was out cold. When I woke up again I was lying on my floor in my room with a killer headache. I slowly got to my feet and went to my bed taking out a first aid kit, I grabbed a shard of a mirror and looked at my wounds, I had a black eye and a large cut on the side of my face and bruises all over me. I put rubbing alcohol on a wet wipe and wiped my face crying out in pain at the feeling, I clenched my teeth, when I took off the wipe my vision began to get blurry and before I knew it I had passed out again. When I again came to I felt well rested and my head was throbbing but it didn't hurt as badly as before. I grabbed the mirror shard and I hesitantly got to my feet and went over to my door, I turned the handle only to find it was unlocked I left my room and went to the kitchen.
"About time you woke up!" Uncle Vernon shouted. "Make us dinner," He ordered.
"What do you want for Dinner?" I asked. Uncle Vernon glared at me harshly he got to his feet, I began to shrink back but stopped when there was a knock on the door. He stopped and looked at me, then back at Aunt Petunia. He passed me going to the door; I quickly moved my hair to cover the side of my face where my new black eye and scratch was.
"What can I help you with," I heard Uncle Vernon snarl I looked around the corner to see a tall skinny man with straight, shoulder length, black hair. He wore black robes and looked slightly scary.
"I'm here to deliver a message for Miss Potter," He said, he held up a letter, that looked familiar to last years. Aunt Petunia pushed me into the living room out of sight and went to the door.
"She is not here," She told him.
"I don't appreciate being lied to Mrs. Dursley." He responded.
"You need to get off of my property right now or I will call the police." Uncle Vernon demanded.
"I am not leaving without Miss Potter."
"Hey you cannot just barge into my house uninvited-" Uncle Vernon stopped and was silence.
"I can and I will," the man said calmly. Uncle Vernon growled.
"Fine take her, I want her things gone when we get home," Vernon growled. I smiled but then a thought occurred to me, who was this guy?
He came into the living room after the Dursley's left. "Miss Arianna Lily Potter?" he asked looking at me. I nodded. "My name is Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore has requested I take you to Hogwarts this year, grab your things I will tell you more later," He seemed like he meant business so I went to my room and changed into my nicer clothes, then packed up everything I owned into a bag. I heard a light knock on my door. "You can come in I was just finishing up," I told him he bent down to get into the room and he looked around.
"Why is there blood on the floor?" He asked. I picked the first lie that came to me.
"Its just some red paint that is still in the process of coming off the walls," I know he didn't believe me but he didn't say anything it was as if he was trying to figure out what was going on, on his own. I grabbed my things and followed him out the door. Then he stopped and held out his arm.
"Take my arm," I did as I was told and suddenly I felt a feeling as if I were being sucked into a vacuum, I closed my eyes tightly when I opened them we were in a different place. It was like an Ally filled with shops that I had never seen. My things seemed to have disappeared but I didn't ask questions. Snape led me around to different stores, we had gotten everything I needed including what I was told was a very special wand that only one other person had, had before. Someone named Salazar. I brushed it off and followed Snape to the next store. We went to go in when he stopped me.
"Ah Severus how nice to see you again,"
"Lucius," Snape greeted. The mans voice had scared me; it was dripping with arrogance and hatred. I shrunk behind Snape, but I slightly looked around him to see who it was, first I saw a boy with white/blonde hair which was slicked back, then I saw a family of red heads and a girl with bushy hair, then I saw Harry I immediately forgot the voice that had scared me so much and took out my wand coming out from behind Snape and pointing it at Harry's throat.
"Harry James Potter what did you do to make the Dursley's so upset?" I snarled. Harry looked slightly scared but he didn't answer.
"Well who might this be? She is feisty," The voice said, the confidence left me and I turned to the man he had long white hair and wore what looked to be very expensive clothing. I lowered my wand and I saw Harry glare. Snape put an arm in front of me pushing me behind him slightly.
"I don't believe that is of your concern Lucius," I moved in front of Snape and hugged Harry tightly, a girl with red hair seemed to get jealous as Harry hugged me back. Then I noticed that no one seemed to know who I was and the awkwardness set in.
"Children, it's mad in here! Let's go outside." Someone said, I saw a man with red hair. He looked at me.
"Who are you?" he asked, I let go of Harry.
"Arianna Potter, I'm Harry's twin sister," I told them quietly
"Bloody hell Harry you never said you had a twin," A boy with red hair said Harry shrugged
" Well, well, well. Weasley senior." Lucius said.
"Lucius." the man replied.
"Arianna come with me we need to get your books and then we have another stop," Snape said I nodded and waved Harry goodbye, I followed Snape into the store not noticing the people watching me. I put a hand to the side of my face just remembering its condition, no one seemed to have noticed or Harry would have freaked out, I made sure my hair was in place and grabbed the books I needed. Snape paid and we left, I didn't know where he was getting all of this money but I was slightly afraid to ask. Next we went to a store filled with modern clothes. Snape gave me some money. "Pick out the things you want, I will be back," with that he was gone. I grabbed clothes that I liked, paid and waited for Snape. When he came back he held a birdcage with a beautiful owl inside it. It was a golden orange with patches of grey, black and white. He passed me the cage without saying a word. I watched him carefully, was he asking me to hold it? Was he giving it to me?
"It is mandatory for students to have some means of communicating with their families and what not," He told me.
"Thank you Professor," I responded politely, I suppose he was giving it to me? I would name her Maleficent, It may not have the best meaning but it suits her. He held out his arm motioning for me to take it, I shut my eyes and braced for the vacuum like feeling again, I took his arm and when I opened my eyes we were at a small dark looking house. I let go of Snape's arm and watched as he went to the door going inside, he stopped and turned to me. I nervously followed him and saw a small living room/ Library where my things both new and old sat beside a giant trunk. Snape passed me and charmed by belongs so that they floated and followed him; he led me upstairs to a small, plain bedroom.
"You can stay here tonight, tomorrow at 11 you will catch the train to Hogwarts and be sorted into your house," With that he silently put my things down and walked towards the door.
"Professor?" He turned. "Thank you for the things, I hope I didn't bother you at all today," He didn't say anything he just nodded and left closing the door behind him. A small smile reached my lips, and I took the surprisingly light trunk placing it on the bed and putting all of my things into it including a pillow and blanket that were in quiet bad shape since they were from the Dursley's but you never know. I noticed another door revealing a bathroom, I took a deep breath and went into the washroom looking in the mirror I moved my hair to reveal a large scratch down the side of my face, I went to my trunk taking out the first aid kit I had brought from the Dursley's, I put some ointment on the scrape and a patch overtop of it, it will be hard to hide but at least It wont get infected. Then I went back to the room and lay down on the bed I felt a tingling in the top of my head but I knew I couldn't let it out just yet, if Snape came in he would surely send me back to the Dursley's, I put a pillow by the top of my head and soon enough I was asleep.
The next day I woke up early, applied make up that I had been given by Aunt Petunia to cover up the marks on my hideous face as she would say, to my black eye and changed into some of my new clothes, I made sure my hood was up, and I took my trunk downstairs only to see Professor Snape reading a newspaper with moving pictures, I stared for a moment he must have noticed because he looked up.
"Sorry to stare sir," I said nervously brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
"What did you do to the side of your face?" I gasped and put my head down.
"It was nothing sir, I fell," I lied quickly.
"Hn," was all he said. I sat down across from him at the table.
Later that day Snape apperated (which I learned by reading my new textbooks was that weird vacuum like feeling) us to the train station where I saw a cherry red train we said our goodbyes and I got on the train after giving my things to someone who I was told to give my things to. I boarded the train and sat in the first compartment I saw that was empty. Not long after two boys that I had seen at the bookstore came in they were twins. "Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full," I shook my head and pulled my hood further over my head. They both took a seat and I looked out the window watching the world pass, "I'm Fred and this is my twin brother George," I nodded at them. "Arianna," I said quietly. "Nice to meet you Anna," they said in sync, as the ride went on I spoke to them more learning that there brother was Harry's best friend and they loved to pull pranks. I told them a bit about myself, and when the question of why I hadn't come to Hogwarts last year came up, I lied and told them that I was with other family at the time so I hadn't known. They didn't seem to buy it but they didn't say anything.
When we got closer to the school I excused myself to go change into my robes. When we got to the school I was escorted along with the first years to boats that we took to the school, then we followed a strict looking teacher to two large doors.
The teacher turned to us "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup" Then
she opened the doors and we all entered I saw Fred and George and they waved I nodded back. I knew I couldn't get to close to them both if they knew what I was they would call me a freak a monster just like the others. No one could know if the teachers knew they would expel me and I don't want to go to the Dursley's again.  

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