he was headed over to grab another canvas, but he closes his eyes again when he's standing in the middle of the room. tyler exhales, beginning to sway his hips to the music, smiling in a way that's so gentle, and so soft, and so pretty.

tyler's always loved this feeling; this feeling of serenity and peace. it's so forgiving, so soft, and tyler doesn't even have to have cannabis to make him feel high when his environment is so calm like this.

the sweater-clad boy twirls around the room a few times, making sure to not bump into the paint cans scattered across the length of the floor.

tyler hums along to the melody caressing his skin, and he idly makes his way to the other side of the room, getting a new canvas. he dances back over to the easel, setting the blank canvas down on it and pushing his stool to the side, opting to stand.

he's not even quite sure what he wants to paint, he just knows that he wants to paint.

tyler dips his brush into the palest blue he has, and he doesn't even think about what he's using the color for, and he doesn't even sketch out what he wants to create beforehand either.

he just starts painting, still swaying his hips. tyler mouths the lyrics to bon iver's roslyn, adding a little bit of purple to the refreshing blue hue.

he smiles to himself when he hears josh enter the room, his grin toothy and his skin warm. josh has written pages about the color of tyler's skin before. he's talked about it and he'a felt it under his fingertips in all sorts of situations. there's just something about how warm and satiny and alabaster tyler's skin is that makes josh love writing, painting, talking about it-- and especially touching it.

"what're you up to, darling?" josh sets his portfolio down on the vintage chair in the corner of the room. he remembers when they had purchased it two years ago. tyler had begged him to buy it, claiming that it was, "old but gold," and josh has come to learn that it actually does accentuate the room quite nicely.

(the real reason they ended up buying it was probably because josh was always one to fall victim to tyler's pretty, round eyes and plump, pink pout.)

"just paintin' s'all," tyler mumbles, his eyelashes fluttering at the feeling of josh pressing a kiss to his exposed shoulder.

"did you finish the one you were working on before i left?" josh asks, his voice muffled a little by tyler's freckled skin.

tyler nods, grinning this small grin that has josh falling in love with him all over again. he gestures to the other side of the room with his paint brush, "it's over there."

josh's touch is gone for a few moments while he's looking at the piece tyler had finished a few minutes ago. the younger boy flushes, breathing deep and appreciating the nice smell of the incense he's been burning all afternoon.

"you're so talented, baby," josh says, his skin iridescent under the steady stream of sunlight flowing into the room, "makes me a little jealous."

tyler's dimples are out again, and they're so deep and eager, so happy, because josh is an artist. josh is his favorite artist, and getting a compliment from your favorite artist is something to smile about.

"don't you make me crack open that portfolio over there, joshua," tyler says, twiddling with the ends of his hair, obliviously causing blue paint to spread onto the strands. he looks like he belongs in an expensive, low-quality-appreciative museum.

breezeblocks; t.j. + j.d.Where stories live. Discover now