Not giving up !!!

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Next day, I walked over to Misato who was holding his Yamanote Group (Misato's sponsor group) sports bag. On the tennis court, there was already a large crowd of reporters. Misato was hitting balls with the racket and nodding to his coach's speech. I want to get that serious look on camera, but I've got to work hard to get his permission. Misato looked over and caught my eye. He said something to his coach and ran over to you looking amazed.

Misato : You really did come again ?

You : Of course I did ! I said I would carry on until I got your permission.

He just called out my name and for some it got your heart racing. An unknown person asked "Hey Misato, why do remember that journalist ? That's unusual." You turned to where the voice came from and stood there was a male reporter with a wide grin on his face.

Male reporter : Could you be the same woman from the airport yesterday ?

You : The same woman ?

Male reporter : You ran into Misato and got your clothes stuck in his bag's zipper.

You panicked to answer "Huh? N-No that wasn't me !"

Male reporter : Female journalists have their own secret weapons huh ? It's fine...

You felt your face flush red. Finally, Misato spoke up "You don't really see people go that far to get what they want." Misato aimed his sharp retort at the man. Then turned once again to his coach.

"Was he just supporting me ? I might have a chance here." as you though to yourself on your way back to your office. You sighed at your desk and your colleague Akina came over to speak to you.

Akina : What's the matter ? Is your total coverage on Misato not going well ?

You : Yeah, I keep on trying but not making any progress. I just keep getting knocked back.

Akina : You aren't going to give up are you ?

You : Of course not !

Akina : Good! Now pull yourself together, go out there and get the story !"

You : All right, I'll do it.

Talking with Akina helped me regain my motivation. I headed back to Misato.

Under the coach's guidance Misato was working hard on his strength training. Seeing him up close, he really does have some incredible muscles. On top of his toned skin, you could see drops of sweat from his effort. You found yourself captivated by his toned and strong physique. You pondered "Now I look what all the fuss is about, he always looks good, better than most celebrities." You snapped out of your thoughts "What am I thinking ? I'm here to report !" I shouldn't be thinking stuff like that."

Journalist : Hey move a bit closer and get a shot of Misato

Camera Man : I'm trying to, there's just so many people here

*Thud* The journalists behind you surged forward and you ended up getting pushed onto the floor. You were in pain and when you tried to stand, someone grabbed hold of your arm.It was Misato who had helped you "Come over here" he commended. Misato held you and pulled you into a deserted corridor.

Misato : I'm not going to feature in the magazine no matter how many times you come. You don't want to get in the middle of people like that. Please go home, so you don't hurt yourself.

His sharp eyes looked at me coldly. Your body was stiff with tension. All you could do was shake your head in return and responded "I can't do that. This is my job."

Misato : Then you're just the same as the rest of the media. Wanting to take photos and report for your own gain. Aren't you best just putting out any old article ?

You : That's not what 'Total Coverage is all about !

Misato : What do you mean ?

You : The article we want to write is not about what we think about you, it's about who you really are.

Misato : The real me ?

You : Whatever words come from your mouth will appear in the piece. If I just wrote an article just now, it wouldn't show how you really are, would it ?

You looked right into his eyes. He looked back at you slightly and seemed slightly surprised. Treasuring your chance,you asked "Why don't you want to do the article ? Please tell me the reason. If I can do something about it, I promise I will."

Misato : There's nothing you can do about it.

He mumbled something and a moment later. Misato grabbed your shoulder and pinned you against the wall. "Please give it up already. All this nagging gives me another idea." His face was right in front of yours. he whispered in a low, threatening tone. His eyes glistered like an animal. You found yourself speechless as he entrusted "Go home now. My mind is scattered."

After that, Misato let go of you slowly and didn't make eye contact with you. He walked away without looking back once. It would be impossible to hold him back now. Without another word, you headed back to your office.

  As I promised, this chapter will be longer. Wow 800 words, that's like my own record 😱.
  Also a reminder, I will consider changing the "you" in the story into "I" so I can type easier. Thx for reading :)

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