Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Hazy, white substance that smelled like dark chocolate surrounded me. In a second, I was back at my father's motorbike shop. To say my father was a 'bad boy' was an understatement.

He was 20 when he attracted Aphrodite, and he got me -all delivered in a beautiful, pink basket on his doorstep. Gratefully, he took me in and raised me. All my life, I've been surrounded by drunkards, thieves, and beer.

It wasn't exactly the ideal surrounding for a child of Aphrodite. But at least my dad was a good dad.

I wondered what I was doing here. Suddenly, a rainbow appeared right beside a Yamaha motorbike. Bright light filled the shop until I had to turn away. In a second, the light disappeared. I faced forward and saw a lady.

It was the goddess of the rainbow, Iris.

I bowed. "Yes, goddess?"

She was stout, and had a simple white dress on. She had that timeless face -the face where you couldn't decide if she had lived 30 years or 300 years.

"Seek me for your quest, Bella Grayson. And I will lead you and your partner to success." She recited, and disappeared, leaving a puddle of water behind.

Before I could say anything, my dream shifted to myself and a warm body beside me. We were looking up in the stars, laying in the grass.

"You see that one? That's Zöe Nightshade. Daughter of Atlas, Hunter of Artemis." Connor said, pointing to a constellation.

I nodded my head. I've heard countless of stories about the adventures of Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon. He was missing, though -no one knew why or how.

"One day, I want my name to be across the stars, too. To bring honor to my dad." Connor said dreamily.

I smiled. Your name is across my heart already, I wanted to say. But somehow, I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth.

I wanted to scream at my dream self. What was she thinking? Did she like Connor?!

In a second, an arm was wrapped around my waist. I felt warm and protected. And before I knew it, a pair of warm lips kissed me on my temple. The feeling was indescribable, like my heart was on fire and my chest was being pulled forward.

It was a good feeling.

Before I could look up at him and smile, everything around me turned pitch black. The stars and the sky were gone. The grass I was laying in was gone. And Connor was gone.

"Follow the breeze." A woman's voice echoed.

In that moment, I woke up. I glanced at the white digital clock that was placed at the center of our cabin. It was five in the morning.

I tried to fall back asleep for thirty minutes but couldn't. I had to find Iris if I wanted my quest to be successful. And what did my mother's words mean?

I groaned and got dressed. It was half past five and I decided to go out and take a stroll. I grabbed my green jacket and put it on. As soon as I stepped outside, my eyes landed on a figure across me. It was Connor Stoll exiting his cabin.

Now, don't get me mistaken, but I believe that I'm the only one who could differentiate Connor from Travis. Travis was a bit taller, and had a straight smile. Connor, on the other hand, had a crooked grin and a freckle on his right cheek. Was I the only one to notice that?

Connor spotted me as well and we immediately walked over to each other. We met at the very center of all the cabins.

"What woke you up?" He asked, his voice husky.

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