Alpha + Omega = Equal?

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"Yes Dad?"

"I'm going to leave you in charge for a few months to see how you handle things. I still expect you to attend all your training sessions and report to Falcon if there are any problems. Your mother and I will be calling every day to check up on you. I'll make the announcement later tonight"

"Yes Daddy and thank you for trusting me"

I ran over and kissed him on the check and he just gave me one of his crooked smiles. I was a Daddy's girl and the soon to be Alpha of the largest pack in the word, the Silver Claw New Dawn pack. We had thousands of members and my parents we great rulers.

I had been trained all my life for the position. I had a younger brother but since I was born first I carried the alpha gene. Most people would think my Dad would be upset but it was quite the opposite. He was proud that there wasn't a male alpha out there that would have a stronger pack that his baby girl.

All the males knew about me so I have had countless mating offers. I declined each one of them wanting to wait on my mate. A few didn't take the news well so on more than one occasion I had to put them in their places making my Dad burst with pride that I could kick any males ass that tried to take over my pack or control me. He knew that I wanted an equal, not a superior and respected my wishes.

I left his office and went to find my best friend. Tommorrow was the first day of senior year and everyone was stoked.

"Hey Lindsey excited about tomorrow?" Kascy asked coincidentally running into me in the hallway. She was my best female friend and the beta's daughter. We had been through it all together. From first kisses, crushes, and boyfriends. To lovers, breakups, and heartbreaks. You name it she was there for it.

"Of course I can't wait" I told her excitedly. "But guess what's even more exciting"

"What" she asked confused.

"I'm the standing alpha for the next couple of months" I told her grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"No way, seriously? He's going to leave you in charge?" she said surprised.


"That's amazing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you've worked so hard and you're going to make an awesome alpha. I mean seriously no male would stand a chance against you"

"Let's just hope my mate realizes that or else I'll be showing him whose boss"

"You already know you're going to be mated to an alpha or monarch or something. Hell maybe even a fallen angel sent here to make you the Moon Goddess with your luck" she said jokingly but I could detect the slight hint of sadness in her tone. She never had good luck with men and even though she never said anything and was an awesome friend I knew it bothered her that I got so many offers from alphas. She wanted her mate so badly so that she could have that fairytale kind of love, but sadly he hasn't shown so she went with any guy who gave her the slightest attention. She was already seventeen which was the common age werewolves found their mates and was a little depressed because almost everyone else had theirs. I wouldn't  be turning seventeen until October, but since I skipped a grade we were in the same year so I would hopefully find mine before I graduated.

"Yeah sure that's just what I need, some egotistical Neanderthal telling me how to run my pack or we should merge. I mean seriously like I would give my pack to some guy and become his 'Luna' I think I'll pass" I told her in all honesty.

She burst out laughing.

"I would pay good money to see you acting like a 'proper' Luna being all submissive and dainty. It would be hilarious"

I just rolled my eyes at her playfully and we made our way to the indoor movie theater.

"Hi Chasin" I said walking in greeting the omega. He was cleaning up some popcorn that some pack members must have left behind. He was really sweet and easy to talk to, sort of like my guy best friend. We had grown up together and on the rare occasion we were alone we opened up to each other, kind of like a once or twice a month meeting between us where we got stuff off our chest.

For instance, I knew that he wished he was treated like everyone else, that he really wanted his mate. I also knew that he still cried over the death of his younger sister who was attacked by rogues. He knew I had trust issues because I was betrayed by a now enemy alpha who used me to try to take over the pack. I told my everyone it was a mutual break up but he and Kascy were the only ones that knew the guy cheated on me and took my virginity. He was never judgmental which I loved and I always got on to anyone who gave him a hard time. I knew they always wondered why I took up for him but they never questioned me.

"Hi ladies what will it be?" he asked smiling at us.

"Popcorn, soda, and"

"Let me guess, every kind of chocolate candy" he said finishing my sentence.

"You got it handsome" I told him and he blushed slightly. I always thought he was the cutest when he did that. He never took compliments or flirting well being an omega, especially not from me.

"I'll just be a second" he said going to get the stuff. We made ourselves comfortable and I put in a comedy for us to watch while we waited on our snacks.

"He has a major crush on you. You know that right?" Kascy asked while the previews played.

"No he doesn't he just isn't used to people being nice or giving him compliments. Its no big deal"

"Whatever you say" she said shrugging.

Chasin came back with the snacks and before we knew it the theatre was full. How people managed to find me I didn't know. It's like their mission in life was to have s crowd of people around me ay all times it was ridiculous. Worst of all Chasin had to serve all of them. I couldn't help but think to myself how unfair it was, that he should be joining us. But I knew that even if I asked he wouldn't because people would make fun of him for trying to blend in, sadly that was the life of an omega.

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