#9 Blanket Is A Clone...

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Michael Jackson's children have always been a source of speculation. Most of the world believes that they are not his children. Some true Moonwalkers..or people with common sense believe and know that truly they are his. But out of all 3 of his children, the one who has come under the least amount of scrutiny and speculation is Prince Michael II, better known as Blanket Jackson. He's been noted for  having long jet black hair and Bambi eyes, just like his father's. It could just be an example of "like father, like son" but some conspiracy theorists believe otherwise. They believe that Blanket is his father's clone.

It's no secret that Michael Jackson was into the dark, strange and bizarre. He did things with his art and personal life that nobody else has done or will do. He was fearless. However this theory takes his interests to a whole other level. The theory goes that while Michael Jackson always wanted biological children, he also didn't mind adopting either. But he always wanted bio children first. Once he had said bio children (Paris and Prince), he was ready to adopt.

But then a friend of his mentioned something about cloning and Michael was instantly hooked. He attempted to clone himself and it was successful. And he became one of the first celebrities to successfully clone himself, along with the likes of Ice Cube and Eazy E (both of whose first born sons look exactly like them).

He then decided to raise said clone as his son. The clone eventually learned all mannerisms of its creator and that's why Blanket is the most like his father.

I personally don't believe this theory although I can honestly see why some theorists and other fans do. Do you guys believe this theory let me know in the comments. #8's on the way, like/comment!! More to come!!!

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