#8- Thriller Is A Parallel Universe...

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Michael Jackson's Thriller is without a doubt the biggest and the best video of all time. One had yet to match it's groundbreaking success. The video is huge, but what if the video is just the same scene happening over and over again?

So this one was brought to me by CocoaPebbleTJ So this theory goes that the beginning scene in Thriller, where Michael and the girl are driving up is the same scene throughout the entire video, just in a different time with a different scenario.

Now this is a more comical theory that kinda makes sense, because let's be real, there are a lot of strange things that could be said about Thriller. But for real think about it, in the beginning scene Michael is driving through the woods with his girl whose name nobody knows. And he manages to convince her there's no danger and she can trust him when in actuality he's a monster who eventually kills her.

Cut to the movie scene, where again Michael is with a girl whose name nobody knows. He manages to once again convince her that he's perfectly normal. Even though the zombie part is her dreaming, it's still revealed that Michael was a werewolf the entire time! Just like he was in the beginning! So maybe Michael and the unnamed girl from the movies...are the same Michael and unnamed girl from the beginning! They just went through time!! 😰😰😨😨. Think about it...

Lol do you guys believe this theory? Let me know in the comments. Once again shout out to CocoaPebbleTJ for giving me this theory. If you have a theory you want me to do, leave it in the comments or PM me. And there will be a few more Thriller theories coming soon! #7's on the way! Like/comment! More to come!!

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