Chapter 1

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Gemini P.O.V

It's my 17th birthday and I wanted to do something different for a change. I still couldn't go out to parties with friends unless it's a family party. I hate family parties especially when my grand aunts and grand uncles pinches my frigging cheeks making me look like a soursoap fish saying

"Look how big you're getting, your so adorable and sweet"

I'm like "I know that already stop touching my damn cheeks I don't know where your hands are coming from ewww" I said in my mind.

My bestfriend decided that it's time for me to experience my first big party cause a 17 year old girl can't be living like this which I totally agreed on and I was so excited. Then I remembered my parents.

"How am I gonna leave the house with my over protective parents, ugh" I asked Jamique and stuff my face in the pillow that was behind me.

"I have an idea, tell your mom we have a science project and it was a last minute call so you have to sleep over my place to finish it. If she says why not do it here, tell her that my brother has experiences in "Science projects" and was successful and that we really need to the A+"

What she was true because her brother Mike was a totally 20 year old nerd but thank God Jamique wasn't like him, but we still took our education serious.

"Sounds like a good idea to me...I'll do just that...if it works out I'll send you a smiley face...if not then I'll send a sad know the drill". I said hugging her in showing thanks.

I left her house, while walking home I thought of the idea and it was a pretty good one indeed just with my touch of emotion in would be super.

"No wonder she can do most of the stuffs I can't do...she's smart and clever as shit when it comes to lying..dammn..I love that girl" I said with a croaked smile.

"Hey mom, Hey Dad...anyone home?". The house was quiet, too quiet, was wierd too because mom was always humming no matter what she's doing and dad is always on the phone talking to a relative or friend. God knows where he find topics to discuss on a daily basis, I thought while I got a cool drink out the refrigerator.

I walked up to my room thinking about my outfit for tonight just in case Jamiques' plan worked. With the intention of digging up my closet, I opened my room door.

"SURPRISE!!" My parents shouted.

I screamed and ran down stairs, my parents know that I don't like surprises from a tender age till this day. I ran to the kitchen and waited on my parents to come down stairs so I can give them the "you know I don't like surprises" look. They came down smiling.

" You have the audacity to be laughing at me after what you guys just did to me?" I said trying not to smile with them cause I know I wasn't intentional. They just laughed and walk over to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry darling" mom said while hugging me while dad placed the cake on the table and make his way over to me and give me my birthday hug.

"Happy birthday baby....we couldn't get you anything cause we don't know what you teens like and we decided that we will give you $200 and you buy and or do whatever you want...and also you can spend the night at Jamique's house" Dad said.

I was so excited because I didn't have to use Jamique's plan but most of all I could got to the party but to be on the safe side I didn't ask if I could attend a party. Then I started thinkung about my outfit, then I suddendly forgot that they were in front me, luckily I wasn't thinking out loud. So I quickly snap out of it and keep my composure.

"Thanks're the best" I jumped and hug them tight.

"Okay honey...remember you're an adult now not fully but you know what I mean and you have responsibilities so don't do anything stupid and we trust you so we won't have to worry...right?" Mom asked.

"Sigh..yes mom..I know" I mocked her smiling making my way to my room. I call Jamique and told her the good news and we both were equally excited.

"I'll be there by 7pm sharp....okay bye." I hanged up.

Gemini on the Left and Jamique on the Right

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