Date Night Cont...

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3 months later:
Alison's POV cont..:
It's been 3 months and Emily still hasn't gotten better. I haven't been going to school or leaving the house. I stopped visiting Emily after awhile. It's not that I'm giving up on her. It's just..I can't stand seeing her like that. She looks so lifeless. And it kills me. I've been ignoring the girls and the Fields'. Everyone has been texting and calling me since. I'm too depressed to go anywhere. Or do anything. I don't leave my room. I'm always listening to music. I'm starting to be a cold hearted bitch to my dad. And he's not taking it well. I need Emily. I don't want anyone else but her. I need her to be okay. I can't live without her. I love her. I hate not knowing who did this to her. They still haven't had a lead on who did it. I heard on the news Noel was released from jail and is under house arrest. His next court date is tomorrow. I got a call saying they wanted Emily and I there...I had to break the news to them. They understood. Their case is still strong without us. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Aria. I let it go to voicemail. Voicemail from Aria: "Hey Ali. It's me again. Just making sure you're okay. The doctors have been trying to reach you. They want to talk to you about Emily's condition. You need to at least listen to them. We love you Ali. Bye." I called the hospital and asked for Emily's doctor. "Miss.Dilaurentis. Emily's parents gave us permission to share this with you. Emily had a Change in her condition. She's doing better. She's making progress. She might be able to wake up in a few days." I Hung up and quick showered and got dressed. I left the house and rushed to the hospital. I ran to Emily's room. "Em..I heard the news. You're doing great. I'm sorry I stopped visiting you. I just couldn't see you like this. You look so lifeless and it's killing me that I can't do anything about it. I swear if they ever find out who did this to you...ill kill them for hurting my girlfriend." I leaned down and kissed her head. I laid down on the bed with her and held her. I know it's not the same as when she's really with me. But I haven't felt her touch in over a month. I missed her. I miss her.

Emily's POV:
I can hear everything. I just can't move or talk. I can see the people around me too. I was upset the I hadn't seen Alison in awhile. I missed her. She crawled into bed with me and held me. It felt like old times. God I miss her. I missed her touch. I miss my girlfriend. Please...let me wake up. Please. Mom and dad look awful. They aren't doing too well. And I guess Alison isn't either. She seems broken. I feel so bad. I'd do anything to see her smiling and laughing again. I felt an eye open a little. It got stuck a little. Then the other eye. I could really see now. Ali seemed to be asleep. I moved slightly so I wouldn't wake her. I started to cry, I kissed her head. She smiled. I think she thinks she's dreaming. I feel so weak. I tried to move as much as possible but it didn't work. "Ali." I said horsely. She started to wake up. She sat up and saw I was awake. She screamed. "Emily! Oh my god. You're awake." She got up and called for the doctors. They did a check up and I'm okay. I'm going to be fine. They ordered me food so I could get some energy and strength back. They wanted to call my parents but I asked them to wait. I wanted to talk to Ali first. I was so happy to see Ali smiling. I finished eating and had her sit in the bed with me again. She hugged me and I lightly placed my arms around her. I'm still in pain. I groaned in pain. She backed away. "I'm sorry." I pulled her closer. "It's okay. I can handle it." She smiled at me. "I'm so happy you're okay Emily. I really am. I missed you so much." I smiled. "I know Ali. But why did you stop visiting me?" She looked shocked. "'d you know that?" I must've sounded crazy to her. "I heard you earlier. When you were talking to me." She brightened up a little. "I just could see you that way. You looked dead Emily. And I couldn't wake you up. There was nothing anyone could do. It was a waiting game. And I couldn't do it. It hurt. It killed me. I'm sorry I stopped." I pulled her into me tearing up. "It's okay." I kissed her head. "I love you Emily." She said while looking at me. I replied. "I love you too Alison." She kissed me. I kissed her back. It hurt a little but it was worth it. We made out for about 3-5 minutes and I pulled away. "I've been waiting to do that for 3 months." She said while smiling. She laid back down and the doctors called my parents. They walked in happy to see me. They were crying and so was I. I missed them. The doctor said I can leave tomorrow afternoon. My parents invited Ali to stay with us for as long as she wanted.

Next day:
Emily's POV:
I finally get to leave. Thank god. Alison said she would meet me at my house. When we pulled up she was already there waiting on the porch. She ran to the car and helped me out. And helped me up the stairs with my parents following behind. "Mom. Dad. I'm
Okay. Honestly. You don't have to watch my every move. I love you guys. If I need anything I'll call for you." They went back downstairs after kissing my forehead. I turned on the tv. "In other news. Noel Kahn has been reported missing. He didn't show up to his court date today. Police went to the Kahn residence and found him missing. His locator brace was left behind. He managed to take it off. Police say he took his neighbours cat and took off. His car is banged up like he was in a wreck. No sign of any blood on the car. There is now an APB out for Noel. If anyone has any information as to where he could be. Please call your local police station." Alison turned the tv off. "He..he's gone. His car is wrecked. said my car was flipped and no one was around right? And also Noel was released that night. What if he tried to kill me because I told and got him arrested..?" I broke down. Ali held me. "Hey Emily. Shhh. It's okay. He's gone. And if they find him they're gonna throw him in jail for eve. He can't hurt you any ore baby. I promise. I won't let him." She said and then kissed my head a few times. I held onto her like my life depended on it. We stayed like that for hours. She held me and I felt safe...I felt at home in her arms. I looked up to see her beautiful ocean blue eyes looking at me. I smiled. "Why are you staring at me?" She smiled warmly and smirked. "Because you're beautiful. And I missed you so much. And because I can. I can look at my girlfriend and not be considered a PERV." Her and I laughed. "I missed this. Us laughing. Having fun. Being together." I said still looking at her. She pulled my chin up a little. We were only inches away from each other's face. I could feel her breath on my lips. We were still looking at each other. I couldn't take it anymore. I closed the gap and kissed her. She kissed back. The kiss was slow and gentle. It was passionate and loving. I was melting into it. I missed the feel of her lips on mine. I rubbed my tongue against her bottom lip. She opened her mouth letting my tongue roam her mouth. Ali moved she was straddling me. I had my hands on her waist. Our tongues were fighting for dominance. I let her win. She moved her position still straddling me. I groaned in pain. She stopped. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" I cut her off by kissing her again. I felt her melt into the kiss this time. I moved my hands up her shirt and around her body. She took her hands and found mine. She pulled mine away from her body. I stopped knowing why she did that. "Hey. Ali. You're beautiful babygirl. I told you. I don't care how small you or how big you are. I love you for you. Not your body." I leaned in and kissed her. She was smiling in the kiss. I moved my hands under her shirt again roaming her body. I started tracing small circles on her back. I tugged at her shirt. She pulled away and took her shirt off putting it next to my head. I looked at her body admiring it. So she wasn't the skinniest. She was still so beautiful. She looked away embarrassed. I kissed all over her stomach. "You're beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, pretty, stunning, breathtaking, hot, and sexy." She smiled and blushed a deep shade of red. She leaned down to kiss me again. My hands on her hips. I reached for her bra clasp. I Unhooked it and pulled it off. I flipped us over so she's underneath me. I kissed her neck all over. I then began to mark my territory. Ali let a small moan escape her mouth. It was hot. I kissed down to her chest to her stomach. Leaving marks every now and then. I got to her pants. I looked up at her and she nodded. I went to unzip them. But heard footsteps. (HAHAHA. YOU THOUGHT. ALL IN GOOD TOME. WAIT FOR IT LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. WAIT FOR IT.) Ali quickly got dressed and we sat in my bed pretending we had a conversation and started laughing. "We just wanted to check up on you guys. Make sure you're okay. You need anything?" I looked at Ali and smirked. "Water? Please? I'm a little thirsty." My mom nodded and went downstairs. Ali laughed as soon as she left. "Really em? You're thirsty. Well I know you are. But oh my god." She kept laughing. My mom brought me a glass of water and left again. "That was close." I said to Ali. She nodded agreeing with me. "It's kind of a good thing though. I wanted our first time to be special. I want it to mean something to us. A date we will never forget." She nodded and pecked my lips. Little did she know..our anniversary was in two weeks. I think she forgot being that I was in a coma for months. It's understandable. But I didn't. I have a lot planned already. Well in my mind it's all planned. I'll just need the other girls' help.

A/N: how are you guys liking the story so far? Is it good? Anything to help improve it? What did you guys think of Noel escaping and almost killing Emily? Thoughts? Please comment below. It would mean the world to me if you did. Thanks for reading. I love you guys so much!💕

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