How To Teach A Potion's Class. Not

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How To Teach A Potion's Class. Not

Nico's POV

"...according to his lesson plans... Actually, let's not go with Sev's lesson plans. They're kind of all over the place and suck. He doesn't even seem to be teaching you anything, anyways." I whistled, "Wow, he's really got it in for you, doesn't he, Potter."

"Like you wouldn't believe," He replied bitterly.

I sighed. "Honestly, Sev should've shook off such a silly little grudge ages ago. I guess without us around to beat some sense into him, he's gone off the deep end,"

"Gone off the deep end?" Malfoy echoed.

"Yeah. It's not uncommon for our types to go insane. To be honest, with the shit I've gone through, I'd be surprised if I was even a little sane, much less fully functioning as I am. It's frankly a miracle."

"Anyways," I continued as everyone started looking at me funny, "we aren't here to talk about me, 'you are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.' That's what he said in your first class isn't it?"

The entire class looked a little stunned.

"Y-yeah." Granger stuttered.

I smiled fondly. "That's what he told me first time too,"

"Your first time?"

I waved off the question. "We'll start with revision. Does anyone know the effects of ground Horned Slug Horns opposed to whole ones?"

Everyone looked at me blankly.

I sighed. "This is going to be a long class..."


"Good job, Di Angelo." Longbottom said as he packed up. "That was a brilliant class. Indefinitely better than Snape's."

I smiled tiredly in response as he exited. Sev swept in not a minute later. "So, I hear that you taught my class today..."

I freely admit, this one was a bit random, but hey, it turned out alright. Bye guys, and if you're reading Assassino, please reply to my question. Grazie.

Nico di Angelo and His (Mis)Fortunes at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now